Thursday, August 24, 2023

Extremely rare original edition, 3 vols., Ryukyu Kobudo,


Extremely rare original edition, 3 vols., Ryukyu Kobudo, 1972-74, including bunkai for all kata...

Andreas Quast Go to the last page: Here's the entry saying "1", i.e. 1st printing, 1972. You can photograph and upload it, so I cn read it.

Leif Hermansson I have these from 1974 written by my sensei Inoue Motokatsu!

Victor Donald Smith Being honest while they are collectors items, Being in Japanese, for those of us who are not japanese conversant the printing is reverse of what we are used to. It is difficult to understand the kata as everything is backwards from what we are used to. The Innoue group made 5 videos of the forms from the first book I believe. I will see if I can find it on youtube.

Victor Donald Smith Ryukyu Kobudo Innoue School
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Victor Donald Smith Andreas Quast began a thread on the three RyuKyu Kobudo books by Innoue Sensei.

I was presented a copy of the books by a Joe Swift back in 1989. More for Historical relevance than anything else. He also made a translation of the table of contents for the three volumes.

For myself I had studies in a variety of systems, more than enough to keep me busy as it was. The current discussion got me thinking, I began to wonder how many of these kata or exercises I could find on YouTube with so much there these days.

So I did some simple searches and found something and nothing. Not sure if they are all the correct kata being referenced. But it has been fun.
Here is what I found. (just selecting one of the kata to view) good, or bad.

It does make what Innoue shared a bit more understandable.
Inoune Motokatsu

Ryukyu Kobudo Vol 1 (1972)

Shushi No Kon Sho
Shushi No Kon Dai
Sakugawa No Kon Sho
Sakugawa No Kon Dai
Soeishi (Shishi) No Kon Sho
Sueyoshi No Kon
Tsuken Shinsahaku No Sai
Hama Higa No Sai
Chantan Yara No Sai
Jigen No Sai (Mangi Sai)
Hima Higa No Tonfa
Yara Gwa No Tonfa
Kanegawa No Nicko-Gama Dai
Kanegawa No Tinbe
Nunchaku Kenshu-Gata Sho
Surujin (long)

Ryukyu Kobudo Vol 2 (1974)

Continuous 15 Step Kumibo (solo1)
Continuous 15 Step Kumibo (solo2)
Continuous 9 Step Kumite (solo-bo)
Soeishi (Shishi) No Kon Dai
Urasae (Urashi) No Kon
Sesokko No Kon
Shirotaru No Kon Dai
Kongo No Kon
Yakaa No Sai
Hanta-gwa No Sai
Nunchaku Renshu-Gata Dai
Toyama (Tozan) No Nichgama
Kanegawa No Nichodama Sho
Sunijin (short)

Ryukyu Kobudo Vol 3 (1974)

1 person Turtle Shell Shield versus Bo
2 person Knuckle Dusters versus strikes
Yonegawa No Kon
Choun No Kon
Chantan Yara No Kon
Shushi No Kon (old style)
Sakugawa No Kon Shu
Konhugushaka (Kojo) No Sai
Kyushaka Bo (9 foot)
Sanbon Nuhchanu (3 section)
Tawada No Sai
Matsumura No Sai
Sunakaki No Kon

Russ Smith Wow, thanks for sharing your notes with us!

Maarten van Bloois In addition to this I would like to remark that some of the links are not quite the right kata. For example the link to Shiroraru no kon dai: this is Shiroratu, but not the kata as shown in the books. In the books are two Shirotaru kata, sho and dai. Both are different. In time I can post both on youtube. Also I have posted the Inoue version of Hantagawa no sai some time ago:

Victor Donald Smith Thank you for your comments Maarten, I am not an expert on these kata and am just attempting to make all of this more understandable. Your comments make this easier.

Maarten van Bloois do itashimashte Victor san.

Ittsukan Dojo Thanks Mr. Smith for the time and effort put in to provide all those links. unfortunately neither Soeishi no kun links got to that kata but to Shushi no kun instead.

Recently I came across this version and am wondering if Mr Quast can confirm if this is a valid Taira Shinken version. soeishi no konsoeishi no kon

Bill Pugh Would love a copy of these

Sheldon Carter Will these be ever republished for future generations.

Andreas Quast Sheldon Carter last republishing was done in the early 1980s. The group is immensely active and surely there will be something coming in the future. As an alternative, they have shibu worldwide and they actually teach everything if you are interested. Not as fashionable as Okinawa at the time, but technically second to none, nonetheless. Also much more practical application than the more kata-based Okinawan groups.

Sheldon Carter Andreas Quast Is this the Ryukyu Kobujutsu Hozonshinko kai? Why is there a difference between the Akamine and Inoue organizations. I thought Akamine Hanshi was the inheritor from Shinken Taira.

Andreas Quast Sheldon Carter yes, it is that association. "Inheritor", is a problematic term. This is Okinawa/Japan, so there is a lot of ego involved. I believe Taira was clever to give everybody a bit to continue with: Inoue received thec1st and only 10th dan Hanshi from Taira. Akamine was named president of the association, but only had a Shihan certificate from Taira. Also, there were huge differences in status and education between the two. Inoue split in the early 1980s, after it was clear there was nothing to gain from collaboration with Okinawa. Others also left Akamine one by one. I believe Akamine was hurt by Inoue's high class, his technical expertise, and his management skills. Politics, ego and claims are so bad over there that excellent practitioners left over the decades, but there is also always a new start with this. I think Akamine Hiroshi today does not claim Taira inheritance. He actually told me after inquiry, "Taira, him, that's not so good." He knows they cannot claim #1 Taira inheritance, so he goes with Akamine Eisuke as the father of tradition, plus his Mukenkan karate, which is from a different source, so something new evolves again. It is sad and good at the same time. I also believe that Hiroshi sensei decided to go more international. It is difficult to find good students in Okinawa and the international community is better for marketing. Anyway, I believe they are all good people full of pride and all with some good points.

Andreas Quast When it comes to classical music study at least all can agree on a standard of grading and information is more easily shared. Too bad the organization had to split. To me the whole is always greater than the sum of the parts.


I should add, the books are not easy to use, They are in Japanese, and the extensive photos are printed Japanese style. Each page shows them right to left (the opposite of what we expect) they are not user friendly.- I suppose not impossible to use, and you might find friendly video of the kata. But I never really wanted to learn weapons from a book.

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