Thursday, August 31, 2023

My files are full of things I saved

Oyata the old way A saved article

My files are full of things I saved, used to have thousands of…


Ron Martin I never understood this. I am not saying it is wrong, but as well as what I was doing all over the world (60 countries) was working? I couldn’t see the value of changing to something that had “ mystical” components to it. Always a magic pill that practitioners chase......when they are unable to believe that what they are doing is good enough.

They are looking for the secret style that will 10o% garentee they cannot be defeated. All any of us can hope for is that our proper training will give us a higher % of success!!!!


Let the haters fire away at me. Lol.


John Stevenson Master Oyata is here with George Dillman. At summer camp back in the ‘80’s Dillman was at the camp. He worked out with me and could not use technology on me but I could put him down. He got upset and would not workout with me. Dillman is a fake and not a martial artist. I have been in RyuKyu Kempo for 45 years and the Matayoshi Kobudo for 33 years.
Train Hard, Train Often


Victor Donald SmithThis is what the video record shows George doing in 1985, I had moved to NH but had many friends who were there. This of course does not attest to ability,

George Dillman 1985 KO


John Stevenson Victor Donald Smith I know but I have dealt with Dillman twice and he is fake. Anyone who thinks they can knock you out without touching you is fake. Dillman says he can knock anyone out without touching them. No way do I believe this.


Victor Donald Smith I don't doubt you, and have never sought out what he was doing. I just believe the record should be clear. For myself I have more ways to strike necks with my Isshinyu and other studies and never felt a need for any more.


Sarah Phillips Bengel I have participated and observed many seminars taught by Oyata, Dillman, Leon Jay, and Mark Klein over a 20 year period. I have seen knock-outs and I have seen failed knock-outs.


The utilization of pressure point striking to achieve a knockout is a finite science. Effectively hitting a point or multiple points in a specific order, that are only the size of a quarter, that requires memorization of specific locations adds to the complexity and lowers the chances of success without lots of specific practice.

John Stevenson Victor Donald Smith I know but I have dealt with Dillman twice and he is fake. Anyone who thinks they can knock you out without touching you is fake. Dillman says he can knock anyone out without touching them. No way do I believe this.


Victor Donald Smith I don't doubt you, and have never sought out what he was doing. I just believe the record should be clear. For myself I have more ways to strike necks with my Isshinyu and other studies and never felt a need for any more.


Sarah Phillips Bengel I have participated and observed many seminars taught by Oyata, Dillman, Leon Jay, and Mark Klein over a 20 year period. I have seen knock-outs and I have seen failed knock-outs.


The utilization of pressure point striking to achieve a knockout is a finite science. Effectively hitting a point or multiple points in a specific order, that are only the size of a quarter, that requires memorization of specific locations adds to the complexity and lowers the chances of success without lots of specific practice.


Who do you practice these knock-outs on? Friends, students, . . . ?! Having seen these techniques work under ideal circumstances with a stationary and willing participant, I will say the knock-outs work, a lot of the time, but not all the time.


What should be questioned if you choose to learn this science is, what are the odds of success in a real moving fight situation? And if you want to practice on people you know; what is happening to their body when you violently strike a point that controls necessary nerve functions to vital organs including the brain?!


Even more importantly, what happens to a person's vital organs when they are practiced on OFTEN?! Are there any long term effects to their health?! I say yes, definitely, because that is what people I have talked to and know personally have told me has happened to them. For example, at a seminar, someone teaching pressure point strikes (not for knock-outs) hit a lung point on the student he was demonstrating with, and triggered an asthma attack! And in an extreme situation, allegedly at a seminar a participant that had done drugs the night before a seminar was hit on a heart point and ?!died!? (I wasn't there, so hearsay?!)?! I ask, in what class situation is this safe to practice and who should you pay to have this practiced on you and at what risk to yourself?! I have been there to see, participated, been knocked out once, it is real, it is not only unsafe and risky, but dangerous and irresponsible to practice on someone! Can anyone guess my perspective based on my first had experience? I think you can. S :(

The no touch knock-outs are sheer hucksterism and hypnotism!! For fun, look up "NO touch knock-out vs. karate . . ." or something like that.


Dave Lockhart I started learning some pressure points in Hong Kong in '71, then collected them from various instructors and Grandmasters after that. Fusei Kise taught me the most. The way I was taught, pressure points are for control or to increase the pain of a technique. Unlike Mr Spock, I never learned them as knock-out techniques. I'm back in the Philippines now, and hope to do a video of all the points I know; that's around 140.


Dennis Melone Taika Oyata’s art of kyusho jitsu is only one part... it is not pressure point striking , it is vital point... explained to me by Taika “ how can you hit one tiny pressure point as an opponent comes at you “ ... vital point hits an area of nerves not one point.... first of all an opponent must be stopped.... if you find Taika ko-ing a guy standing there it is an example not to be taken out of context... he didn’t know medical terminology , triple warmer, making sounds, being grounded or ungrounded, chi balls etc.... he did not care what anyone did, believed or didn’t believe ... he never said he was better than anyone.... and while most karate ka pretended to play samurai on The Weekends & became intellectuals by talking about it, he battle tested it in Okinawa & was advised whike in America to chill out due to law suits as he was sued.... Oyata could back it up he didn’t talk about it & for sure did not commercialize it or I’d have people wrapped around the block to enter my dojo as I’d fart in silk underwear


Will Ireland hard to find books from taika seiyu oyata.

Will Ireland

Taika Seiyu Oyata performs traditional forms


I remember in was 1984 and George Dillman was attempting to get a friend, who I was also training with, to attend a clinic with Oyata Sensei. He did not realize that my friends system already had a lifetime of training in extensive bunkai, but of a different paradigm than George had ever explored.


The next year he started doing demonstrations with his own abilities

 ** just a personal observation when Oyata Sensei struck George he just collapsed to the floor immediately, when George struck his student I see he was immediately grabbed. In my mind they may be different effects. Just a supposition on my part.**


 Shortly thereafter started his own group and clinics, ‘borrowing the name for what he was teaching” and the names of technique groupings from Oyata sensei. (The end result Oyata Sensei renamed everything he was teaching having nothing to do with Dillman.)


A decade later meeting and my first training I observed what Sherman Harrill was doing.


One of those answers was a way to strike into the arm

Sherman striking into the arm


A while later I realized was also the manner in which the tap ko’s to the neck were delivered,. I asked Sherman if that was a posssibility and he confirmed it was  and suggested a method to make that strike more effective.

Sherman striking into the neck


. Hidden in plain sight… which were not no touch, but hard driving strikes you didn’t see…


Taika Seiyu Oyata performs traditional forms


Poor 80's bootleg of Oyata performing black and brown belt katas.
**The first 60 seconds of footage is black. This is cost of converting video tape into digital.**


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