Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Karate Demonstration For General Mac-Arthur in 1946




Historical film
Karate Demonstration For General Mac-Arthur in 1946

In 1946, karate was presented as "Chinese boxing" To General Mcarthur. The latter authorized the practice in Japan while judo, Aikido, kendo were prohibited.
History does not say what the karate school presents (Shotokan, shito...) but as we see at the beginning of video isao obata who was the assistant of genchin funakoshi o sensei we can deduce that they are students of The Shotokan school that is present in this video.

Donn F. Draeger came to France in 1948 or 1949? For a event about Judo (maybe in 1949, for the first French Judo Championship? ) in any case, he met Mr. Henry quintuplets and he sent this document to general mcarthur in 1946


Historical movie
Karate demonstration for General Mac-Arthur in 1946

In 1946, karate was presented as "Chinese boxing" to General McArthur. The latter authorized the practice in Japan as judo, aikido, kendo was prohibited.
The story does not say what was the present school (Shotokan, Shito ...) BUT as we see the beginning of Video Isao Obata, who was the assistant of O Sensei Funakoshi Genchin we can deduce that it is Shotokan school students who are in this video.

Towards 1948-1949 Donn F. Draeger who came to France for a championship Judo he met Mr. Henry Plée and sent him the document shot in 1946.


*While this was old school Shotokan, it was 10 years before Isshinryu was named **


*While this was old school Shotokan, it was 10 years before Isshinryu was named


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