Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Other memories of Cindy Rothrock


Other memories of Cindy Rothrock


The reality around CIndy Rothrock back in the early 1980s is much more complex than a few words. She competed then in Karate tournaments because that was what was available. She was dynamic and her forms were often custom built from her then husbands knowledge for her abilities. There were literally no standards for thse karate judges to use for her. Not a word against her abilities, far above mine. But often the judges were forced to make apples and bannanas anologies in judging. There were incredible karateka competing against her too. Some with tradigional forms, some with custom built forms. And that was during the time before she went national where most of the forms were custom built. It was a very different time IMO




One of my most intense memories of Cindy Rothrock competing back in the early came from a small tournament in the early 1980s. Cindy in weapons competition tied with Edward Hampton Agrella. So there would be a tie breaker runoff competition.


Back then almost the same crew of judges, in Region 10, decided every competition. They all had seen Cindy and Edward many times, each of them willing on occassion. They were not the only good weapons competitors in the region, but that day was that day. The unwritten rule in ties there, was to succeed you needed great performance with a diffeent weapon. Use of the same weapon showed that you did not have the depth for the competition championship.


So they did a different weapon form, both forms were good again they tied. Necessitating a 3rd round and again with a different weapon. They were both that prepared and when the competition began again they each did a 3rd form. Once again both forms were very good, and again they were tied.


That of course meant a 4th round. That necessitated digging with friends for a 4th weapon to use.Each was able to find one and they competed once again. Again both of them were tied. So there would be a 5th round.]


That meant more searching among friends. Harder for Cindy as there were far fewer Chinese competitors. Each found their weapon, each delivered a skilled performance.


I am no longer sure, but I think Cindy might have been judged stronger in that weapon form.


But it matters little today, the lesson is each of them had such depth from their training to be able to do that. I can think of 2 or 3 others in that region summarily skilled.


When you think of your own efforts


I remember her doing forms with:



          Straight Sword

          Double Straight Sword

          Steel Whip


          Double Saber

          Double Hook Swords

          Ring Knives

          And I am sure there are more.





1 comment:

  1. Just to put things in perspective. My fiest kobudo competition when I was a brown belt was at the Michak brothers tournament (1978) in Wilkes Barre, Pa, I was the only brown belt competing and they cancelled the division, announcing brown belts would be in the black belt division. Of course I was competing with bo and I got through my form with no mistakes. But I was followed by Cynthin Rothrock who did an incredible form. Beginners bad luck...

    I did not know who the black belt competitors were as this was my first Pa. competition. I had no idea who Cynthin was.

    Later I would study Tai Chi and a variety of Chinese forms with Ernie Rothrock, Her hustand 9then) and her instructor who taught her, her Chinese arts.
