Friday, August 11, 2023

Tatsuo driving a nail with the edge of his hand





SHIMABUKU TATSUO, driving a nail in a block of wood

with the edge of his hand.

Agena Village Demo in 1960.

Photo taken by Jake Echenrode.



There are a lot of stories about this and I don’t know which ones are true.


One says he did do this at a demo, slipped and cut the back of his hand on the nail.


Version 1. Just whiped the blood off and then continued.

Version 2. Never did it again.

I am sure there are more too.


I can believe it because when I studied Tang Soo Do one day in class that instructor did a version of this.

He drove a 16 penny nail into a 2 x 4.

Then covered the nail with his obi

Grasped the covered nail with  his teeth and then pulled it out.


Told my dentist what I had seen,

His opinion, one day it will be the teeth that come out.


SHIMABUKU TATSUO,driving a nail in a block of wood with the edge of his hand.

Agena Village Demo in 1960

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