Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Why I created the Bushi No Te Isshinryu Kama Drill

Okinawan Kama


Ken Jack This is actually a demonstration of the Okinawan kusarigama, not to be confused with the one used in ninjutsu.


After learning the Tris Chosen No Kama Sho, 

and Chosen No Kama Dai

I felt their handling was so complex, 

good for advanced handling skills,

But not so good for reality.

 Then I saw this Okinawan form and realized its potential.

So I created my Bushi No Te NO kama exercise.

There are some echo’s of that Okinawan form.

Kama Drill Bushi No Te Isshinryu

Of course I don’t see a need for kama in current self defense.

Yet another skill building exercise

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