Tuesday, October 10, 2023

An extremely effective strike


I was over 20 years into my own study of Isshinryu and over 16 years into my study of tai chi when I learned an important lesson that changes many things.


Now whe I learned Isshinryu under Tom Lewis not much time was spent on kata application studies. There we used a different very effective paradigm for our Isshinryu. Then years later I also began a study of t’ai chi with Ernest Rothrock (the 108 form and straight sword). Again almost no time was spent on the use of t’ai chi technique, focusing on developing better technique.


Around 1988 I began my own study into the use of Isshinryu kata potential.


Around 1984 I began to hear about Oyata Sensei and his neck touch ko’s, but have no real interest in such I never sought such training, content with my own studies.


Then in 1995 I met Sherman Harrill and was floored by his clinic in New Hampshire. He demonstrated kata application after kata application and so much more.


About 1 hour into that clinic he demonstrated a method for striking into the arm in a variety of ways, each strike generating intense pain on the strike. (I have a video of those technique strikes).


They got me to thinking and a bit later I asked Sherman what would happen if they were used to strike into the neck. Sherman then showed me various ways they could be used to do that  (again I have video of those techniques),


That method of striking made sense to me and I worked to retain them, making notes of them during the clinic.


A day later I slapped my forehead realizing this hand formation was something I had been practicing in my years studying Yang T’ai Chi Straight Sword. The hand position in the form for he hand not holding the sword: known as the Secret Sword.


So I had been using it for a long time and knew not what I had.


I have written about this before.




This blog article shows Sherman showing me how that hand is used.




I make no claim this is what Oyata Sensei did never studying with him. But to anyone observing they would never see a difference.


Never cared about that. Just that it works, really effectively.

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