Thursday, October 12, 2023

Did Funakoshi face Motobu?



Postures of karate (tōde), Mr. Funakoshi (right) and Mr. Motobu (left),

from Kingu magazine, September 1925.


Vixtor -

Historical fact – this photo was a newspaper construct in reality Motobu Sensei did not hold Funakoshi Sensei in high regard.


Part of this was because Motobu’s famous fight with a foreign boxer was reported in the newspaper but drawings of Motobu accompanying the text were really drawings of Funakoshi performing his karate.


In part because the focus of Motobu’s karate was more towards using the karate he studied and practiced and developed.


Funakoshi had a different purpose, more to work sharing in the University system to students who most of which had their four years and then done with graduation from the school. The study was more towards the benefit physically and mentally from undergoing karate training than advancing instruction for street use.


This is my interpretation of these events.

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