Saturday, October 7, 2023

【Kiyoshi Arakaki】 Naifanchi bunkai 【Muso-kai karate】


This was the head instructor of Kashiba Juku, they use very interesting body dynamics in their karate,  and they also teach this bo. George Donahue who then was the martial arts editor of Tuttle Books was who I met first, I once trained with them at a weekend gathering in Pa. in Lancester. The group as a whole pretty much has gone to ground except for Bill Lucas in Florida. Their Bo comments are very interesting, much different than our bo. But who strikes first still rules the day.

This is the "Naifanchi Sho-Dan" kata with Bunkai. This Kata is called "Naifanchi", "Naihanchi", and/or "Tekki".

During the time of Shihan Arakaki's re-training, he dedicated himself to a hard physical work out routine. He ran, weight trained, and stretched to make his body strong enough to practice the old methods of Bujutsu. During Bujutsu training he mainly practiced the Kata called Naifanchi (aka, Naihanchi, Tettsuki, etc.). This Kata was known as both the most basic Kata taught to new students and the most advanced Kata that only very few truly mastered. He was told in his youth that this Kata held the secret of Okinawan Karate, so this is the Kata that he focused on during his re-training.

He trained and retrained his Naifanchi Kata for countless days during those five years. It is widely believed that in these modern times there is no other Karate-Ka that has trained in Naifanchi Kata as much as Shihan Arakaki.

After countless hours of practice and sleepless nights thinking about what his early Masters had said about Naifanchi, Shihan Arakaki finally understood the subtle movements of Naifanchi, how the movements should be done, what the movements were teaching and most importantly, how the movements could be applied to every aspect of Karate. His old Masters were right; this simple Kata led him to understand all the secrets of Okinawan Karate. The moment he fully understood Naifaichi was his enlightenment.

There are three Nichanchi Katas such as "Naifanchi Sho-dan",

"Naifanchi Ni-Dan", and "Naifanchi San-Dan".

However, those three "Naifanchi" katas came from One Kata, "Naifanchi".


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