Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Nagamine Shoushin sensei’s speech by Lara Chamberlain


This will be two of a five part series. Translation by KM paid by LC for TiidaRyu book


Nagamine Shoushin sensei’s speech video 1


When human was born he / she is a very pure baby. However when he / she was grown up and goes out into the world his / her worldly desire will be increased which is not so great thing.


Human mind (instinct) that you all have when you were born is called “Chie” (wisdom). On the other hand informations that you are receiving as you grown such as “way to earn more money” …etc. is called “Chishiki” (knowledge).


Usually people get worried or troubled with others caused by “Chishiki” (knowledge).


So, the purpose of doing “Zen” is for you to get rid of those knowledges and go back to pure mind like baby.


In other words “Zen” is to become a human being who can accomplish your original aim for life not being influenced by such a not great knowledges.


Originally human can protect himself / herself without being taught through his / her own instinct. However there is a reason why Karate is regarded as martial arts.


Through practice Karate as a martial arts you can learn your self defence techniques rationally.


Therefore if you practice Karate by repetition and this become habitual you can manage to protect yourself when somebody try to attack you even in dark.


So practicing Karate is to contribute your second instinct that you gain from habitual training to your original instinct that you are born with.


Martial arts exists for you to go back to pure mind. And also purpose of learning Martial arts is to protect yourself (self defence for your safety).


This is true meaning of “Defeat without Fight”. Karate man needs to become a watertight human.


I (Nagamine sensei) have verified myself for “Shin” (Spirit), “Gi” (Technique), “Tai” (Body).


There are many fights with only “Gi” and “Tai” that those fights ended by another fights nowadays. “Shin / Kokoro” (spirit / heart) part is missing.

This “Kokoro” (spirit / heart) matter is the same as “Kokoro” matter with “Zen” that I (Nagamine sensei) have mentioned earlier.


So as a Karate man you should not forget to have “Kokoro” with your appreciation when you do “Zen”.


You can learn about “Kokoro” (spirit / heat) matter through Christianity or other religious faiths …etc. It does not matter how you learn.


Important thing is that you can practice to have such a “Kokoro” to have a peaceful mind inside you as well as you practice Kata.


That is “Ken Zen Ichi Nyo”.


The meaning of “Ken” is body and “Zen” is mind (Kokoro). You cannot divide your body and mind as they are one and they effect to one another.


The meaning of “Kenzenichinyo” is to train to have a good valance between your body and mind to look at yourself so that you can bring out your potentialities.

Aritomo Ito It is very interesting‼️ Thank you for sharing.

When he was talking about differences in Gekisai and Fukyu Gata 2, he calls “fist” as “Tījikun”!

He also pronounces S as Sh, like Shenshei as opposed to standard Sensei. That is an older Shuri dialect! Just out of curious, did he say Sēsan or Shēshan? I believe this is why some call it Sēsan while other call it Sēshan.


Andreas Quast Naoki Motobu helped. I hope I have it correct:

- Miyagi Chojun made Fukyu Kata 2. But Kyan Shinei said: “Uraken is too difficult for students at elementary schools.” Miyagi Chojun accepted his opinion and deleted the Uraken. He also changed open-handed Mawashi-uke to be done with close fists. And also one part of kicking or foot technique or step was changed.

- So, in total Miyagi Chojun changed three parts from the original Fukyu Kata 2.

- Only Miyagi Chojun and Sinzato Jinan knew the original Fukyu Kata 2.


Nagamine sensei’s speech video 2

Translation by KM paid for by LC for TiidaRyu book


Nagamine sensei is talking about one of his sensei (no name mentioned) on this video clip.


Which one do you think more difficult to do (master) between Naihanchi and Chinto?” oneday he asked his sensei.


There is no difference. Naihanchi is as difficult as Chinto and vice versa.” his sensei replied.


Nagamine sensei agrees with his sensei’s thought on this subject.


For example although Pinan Shodan is easier Kata than Chinto for you to learn there are still certain connection between those Kata. There for the both Kata contains similar difficulty to do (master).


Other sensei including Jahana sensei also said similar things.


Nagamine sensei cannot declare which Kata that those great sensei were very skilful for as he believes that all of them had a wonderful individual talent for all Kata.

1 comment:

  1. But there is uraken in both Gekisai kata of Goju-ryu (they are called Fukyu 2 and 3 in Shorin-ryu) and right after mae-hiji-ate and before gedan-barai. Also there are open-handed mawashi-uke in Gekisai dai ni (or Fukyu 3).
