Monday, October 23, 2023

On the Isshinryu shuto-uchi



Arcenio Advincula


If a photo is worth a 1000 words, what is a video explaining the story behind the picture!


Shimabuku Tatsuo Sensei use to condition the edge of his hand for shutō-uchi. I saw him drive a 16 penny nail trough a plank which was about 1/2 inch thick at a demo in Agena, Okinawa.


On another occasion, he could not drive the nail using a shutō-uchi but did drive the nail using the heel of his foot. According to Michie, the Okinawan announer who introduce Tatsuo Sensei said Tatsuo Sensei apologized saying he had just had his appendix taken out.


It is important to document the history of our founder and what he did. The importance of Isshin-ryū karate




driving a nail in a block of wood with the edge of his hand.

Agena Village Demo in 1960.

Photo taken by Jake Echenrode.



Karate Grandmaster Tatsuo Shimabukua

hmmering a railroad nail into the side of a wooden board

with a shuto (blade of the hand) strike



Victor Smith on day of my Shodan examination, during a separate clinic Mitchum Sensei was giving, he gave a different interpretation about one Tatsuo demonstration.m  How one time Tatsuo missed the nailand the strike sliced open the back of his hand which then bled profuslely.   According to Mitchum Sensei he never did this again.



Victor Donald Smith

While I can't prove Shimabuku Tatsuo did drive nails with his hand, I have had instructors who did their own version of this. So this is possible, it speaks to an earlier days and style of training to my mind. He was powerful and enjoyed showing it.


 One example, he used to be able to climb up a pole, turn around and climb down upside down. This is a photo of him doing this.


 So on the whole the 'nail' seems credible to me.


When I had written this there was no internet access to show the photos that came to light later.

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