Saturday, October 14, 2023

the Faan Tzi Ying Jow Pai form Hon Kuen


This is a version of the Faan Tzi Ying Jow Pai form Hon Kuen I studied with Ernest Rothrock..

It is close but not exactly the same.

In exection I never reached this speed, My best time was over 6 minutes, but Ernest was twice as fast as me when he did it at proper speed,

This is the 'Mother' form of the system. It contains all the tecuniques in Eagle Claw, but not all the variations of the techniques. It is a Northern Form and the rows of the form go East to West then back. It contains 10 rows of techniques.

On the other hand the form Lin Kuen contains 50 rows to the form and contains all the clawing variations.

It was a lot of work to learn this form. It was one of the most comples forms I ever studied in any system.

Nothing in my Isshinryu prepared me for this effort.

This was personal study for I never taught the form.

I just wanted to understand the Chinese systems better.

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