Sunday, October 29, 2023

Tomari Seisan - 1968 Version by Seiyu Oyata



This is a very early version performed by Taika Seiyu Oyata on his first visit to the United Stats (Kansas City Metropolitan Area). Taika refined this kata for years and the 2012 version of the kata is much more precise and focused on things like force efficiency. At any rate, still a great view for historical purposes



John Kerker Jerry Holt Sensei was in Okinawa training at Akamine Hiroshi Sensei dojo training Kobudo and he asked him to show him one of his Karate kata....he did Isshinryu Seisan .... Akamine Sensei response was, " middle Island Seisan". Meaning most people in the middle part of Okinawa did the kata very was interesting he didn't label it by style, but rather by region.....


Richard Ruberto I was told karate outside of Naha was considered peasant people's karate. People outside of the main city couldn't possibly have better karate or kobudo. Not sure if that thought exists today.


Richard Ruberto It seems Tomari version is nothing like ours. Our roots are in Kyan and Motobu lineage.


David Rayburn Richard Ruberto, didn't Tomari te become a part of Shorinryu? This version of Seisan has some moves in it very much like what we do. Not looking for an argument, but I see a lot of similarities.


Richard Ruberto David Rayburn take a look at the Kyan lineage Seisan. Tatsuo learned from Kyan. I posted their version on my page. I have no idea if Tomari ryu was part of Shorin ryu. Today on Okinawa the Regokai put Isshin ryu under Shorin ryu but that does not mean we are Shorin.ryu. I respectfully don't agree with that Tomari Seisan looks like ours.


David Rayburn Richard Ruberto I saw it, and it looks like ours, no doubt, but Kyan and Motobu are both from Tomari te, so I am not saying that it is exactly our Seisan, and I am sure some things were added to make what ours is, but I can see the basic structure of our Seisan.


Richard Ruberto David Rayburn You prompted me to read up and yes there is a connection with Motobu and Kyan with Tomari ryu. Nice to learn something new. Thanks sir.


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