Saturday, October 28, 2023

When I competed in my first tournament I saw the power of Bob Maxwell (Bando)




One of my earliest memories of Bob Maxwell

Was at perhaps the first tournament I ever attended.


In those days there was a demonstration division

Which covered almost anything some martial artist could wish to do.


Those days passed.


But on that day a guy was going to demonstrate the amazing power of his simple push.


All of his students got in a line where one’s chest was touching the back of one before you.


He demonstrated his slight push, and the entire line fell down one against the other till everyone was on the floor.


Then to prove it was real he asked for a volunteer to stand at the head of the line.


Bob Maxwell was that volunteer.


So with Bob heading the line, the guy gave his touch..


Nothing happened, Bob remained standing there smiling.


Again the guy gave his touch and once again Bob remained standing.


Finally the guy grabbed one of his senior students to stand before Bob,


Then he touched that guy and the whole line went down.


I am sure there is a lesson there,


Perhaps don’t use Bob Maxwell to do a mouse’s job.



There was nothing magical about Bob standing there, he just was not compliant and a light push would not do anything to him. The key is if the first person falls, with each one touching the other and being so close all will fall, just as dominoes do. Bob was just not a domino.

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