Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Blackbelt's Traning of Kobayashi Shorin-ryu Minoru Higa - Kakie


 小林流 比嘉稔先生のカキエ



Kakie is a traditional form of Okinawan training similar to sticking hand practice from the Chinese Martial Arts such as Tai Chi and Kung Fu. It is also a fundamental part of Tegumi or Okinawan wrestling. For those familiar with Taira Sensei's teaching you will recognize the sticky hands in his drills


In my Isshinryu studies there was a somewhat similar drill

and I continued to teach it.


It certainly is similar to the tai chi double push hands drills I studied.


It also resembles some Chinese short range striking drills

I learned then called Jing Do.


Each a bit different but similar.

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