Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Charles H. Murray Memories



Here's a re-share from 48 years ago. Where does the time go? Goes by so fast. Two of my good friends in this have either been with the Lord (or not), for some time now. Miss them but have this and other great memories of them.

Cutting two watermelons on a friend's stomach with a very, very sharp samurai sword during a Karate demonstation? Why would anyone do that? What's that have to do with Karate, which means Empty (read nothing in your) Hand BTW?

Something about control probably? But answer now (45 years later) is I really had, nor now have, absolutely any idea. I had read of other Karate people doing it though and decided to give it a try. This video starts out with my good friend Bill Price breaking three cinder blocks with a forearm break, which is related to Karate training. Then my friend Jeff Tyre who now lives in Florida let me cut these watermelons on him. As I remember it the only ones I could find were these little ones.

Also as I remember it I actually did strike Jeff with the sword, which he told me about after we were finished. Oh well, all's well that ends well! Also though as I remember it the crowd loved it.

All I can say is he never told me about this when I trained with him,

 Else wise I would have  tried to slice a watermelon laying on your chest while blindfolded.

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