Sunday, November 26, 2023

In Bojutsu kata names, what's the difference between 'Kon' & 'Kun' ?


Jamie Gray‎
In Bojutsu kata names, what's the difference between 'Kon' & 'Kun' ?

Thomas Podzelny 
Also you should be aware to not mix Japanese and Okinawan pronunciation. For example: yonegawa-no-kon (nihongo) and yuniga-nu-kun (uchinaaguchi) are correct, but not yonegawa-no-kun (mix of both). 

Andreas Quast 
BTW, in this connection, technical terminology within the kata of kobudo are standard Japanese, such as Shomen-uchi, yoko-uchi, gedan-uke, etc.pp. While kobudo is claimed to be hundreds of years old, there is hardly any name of a technique that has been handed down in Uchinaguchi. In fact, the terminologies of kobudo have only been created since the second half of the 20th century.

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