Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Just hitting your attackers body and head is not enough. They must be calculated strikes.


Two very important parts of training in our Matsubayashi ryu style that many students fail to understand when training. These are the teachings by Nagamine Shoshin O-sensei and in his book "Essence of Okinawan Karatedo " 

First are the vital parts of the body. These are the main areas to strike your attacker. There are a few other areas that Nagamine Takayoshi Soke taught us that are not described in the book, yet very effective. Just hitting your attackers body and head is not enough. They must be calculated strikes. You will also notice that there are areas below the waist which are not used in play kumite, that need to be practiced as targets. In a real encounter you will only fight like you train. You must train to really fight.

Second, is for kata training. The sequence of movement with the eyes, feet and hands. Except for Naihanchi katas, this is the proper sequence of movement. Nowadays even many yudansha don't follow this approach to movement. Making up your own karate is risky business.


Bill George - always a student

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