Sunday, November 5, 2023



In November 1999, Sensei John Sells presented the video 'Secrets of The White Crane' through a small private producer named The Martial Source having as a partner to Sensei John Bartholomay, at that time they both belonged to Shito-ryu I love you so much


Video work was divided into two parts, where part 1 contained:


1. Introduction and History of the White Crane.

2. Kata Hakutsuru-Sho & Bunkai.

3. Cut-off & Bunkai.

4. Words Matsumura Hakutsuru & Bunkai.


Part 2 contained:


1. Introduction and History of Monk Style.

2. Cut Hakucho & Bunkai.

3. Kata Papuren & Bunkai.

4. Cut Pants & Bunkai.


I acquired the 2 VHS and observing the Katas I had doubts about the name they were given and their true origin, so I asked Sensei John Sells directly but as at the time he was very sick who answered me was Sensei Bartholomay and he said the following:


" The names of the Katas presented in the first video were changed to help their learning... Kata called in the video Hakutsuru-Sho was taught in some factions of Shimpo Matayoshi's Kingai-ryu who was a student Seiko Higa and Gokenki, In that Dojo was simply called Hakutsuru, Sensei John Sells with the intention of differentiating her from other versions called her Hakutsuru-Sho, although it should have been named Matayoshi No Hakutsuru..."



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