Thursday, November 23, 2023

Kihon Sho and Ni Dan - Drills used by Bushi No Te Isshinryu

One of the many, many things I got from Tristan Sutrisno were two drills, his Kihon Sho dan and Kihon Ni dan. 

The Sho dan drill I taught to my youth students in a modified version, retaining the full version for my adult students. The Ni dan drill was a superior kicking drill, used by those students for whom it was a further challenge. 

I never formally filmed these drills in a perfect version. As always, I filmed them as student or instructional versions.  

Isshin - Concentration the Art: A Drill Called Kihon Shodan

Kihon Shodan full version

(this drill only plays if you open in youtube)

Kihon Shodan Brown Belts youth version - YouTube

Adult group Kihon Shodan


Kihon NiDan Andy Ware 1991 - YouTube

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