Sunday, November 5, 2023

The Origin of Karate Tile-Splitting

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The Origin of Karate Tile-Splitting

Motobu Ryu  November 2, 2023 8:53 PM

In the article "Motobu Asaki's Destruction (Ateha)", I mentioned that Motobu Asaki was negative about the splitting of tiles. In Okinawa in the past, karate (then known as "hand") was practiced in secret. In some cases, without informing my parents and siblings, I would go to my master's house early in the morning before the sun rose to practice so that others would not see me.

This was because if it became known that they were learning karate, there was a risk that they would be challenged unnecessarily. Naturally, there were no permanent dojos or regular demonstrations. In other words, there was no opportunity to perform karate in front of people, so there were no demonstrations such as tile breaking.

However, in fact, it is not that there were no records at all.

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