Saturday, November 4, 2023

The police PR-24



PR-24  A Side-handle baton, a baton with a short side handle at a right angle to the shaft, about six inches from one end




Back about 1983 I was fortunate to attend the Bando Summer Camp. It consisted of many training sessions on Bando and other arts. But one I recall very well was a lecture on the use of the Police baton, the  PR-24.


The PR-24 resembles the Okinawan tonfa, but as it is longer in length its use if also different from the tonfa.  For one thing it is not designed to permit swinging of the weapon to tear into an attack. The handle of the PR-24 does not have a knob allowing figure 8 swings.


That change was by design. A Georgia State Trooper who also was a Police PR-24 instructor explained to us.


It was very much like a police baton, but when carried does not appear to be a police officer coming toward you with a baton in his hand. The handle allows it to be carried and held alongside the arm, not showing as clearly that it was there.


He demonstrated a number of locks, come-along procedures that the PR-24 was good for. Of course it also functioned for crowd control as the baton did.


Even explained how when someone did not want to get out of their car, A quick spin of the PR-24 could remove a car mirror getting their attention. And when that did not work the PR-24 could smash their side window in and then the handle around their neck could be used to pull them out.


He explained how the PR-24 came to be.  As police development progresses always newer ways and devices are created to be a safer and more humane way to safely use on the disorderly. But the reality behind the change is in time all developed methods came to be used in misadventure unto death occurring.


What was not taken into account the stress the police officer was often under requiring additional support. That same stress often could result in the tool being misused.


Every new device eventually was discarded for that reason. The police baton is very useful but was also too easy to misuse.


 An example the neck choke used to be taught as a safe way to restrain somebody. But the actuality was the stress of the situation led to the choke not being released and unintended results.


I am not an expert in Police Science in any case. Just explaining is you see a relationship of the tonfa to the PR-24you are right.


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