Sunday, November 12, 2023

Thoughts on Bushi No Te Isshinryu Kicking


When I really began to take a look at what I got from so many different people, different styles and from my own analysis I realized that I knew so much more than  I realized. Where I was taught 14 basic kicking drills in the dojo of Tom Lewis as time passed I realized there were many other drills that I had learned.

I never  taught them as a complete list for any of my students. I showed how much could be done with just the initial 14. Yet I did show more covering various situations. Then when I got into my own analysis of what I had experienced, this listing grew out of those experiences.

Of course this is not a complete listing of what I experienced or have seen. Just a starting point for other possibilities.


Watching this simple Chinese kicking drill Yanqing Tui



Got me thinking….   Bushi No Te Isshinryu Kicking techniques

Note; most of the following kicks work to a wide range of targets of opportunity. Nor are the set up techniques described, nor angles of entry, etc.


Isshinryu basics

1. Rear Front Snap Kick (front) ball of foot
2. Rear Front Snap Kick (side) ball of foot
3. Front Front Thrust Kick (front) heel thrust knee high
4. Rear Front Snap Kick (front) ripping toe kick
5. Rear Front Thrust Kick (on the floor on your back) - heel
6. Side Snap Kick knee height 45 degrees front – blade of foot
7. Side Snap Kick knee height to side – blade of foot
8. Side Snap Kick knee height 45 degrees rear – blade of foot
9. Side Thrust Kick (on the floor on your side) – heel
10.Bottom foot hooks behind leg and Top foot Side Thrust Kick to the knee (on the floor on your side)
11.Cross Kick (stomp) – heel
12.Cross Kick (stomp) - instep
13.Crescent Kick Inner (front) – shin
14.Crescent Kick Inner (front) - instep
15.Knee Strike to front
16.Knee Strike to front cat chambered first
17.Rear Kick with heel (foot vertical) to groin
18.Jump Knee Strike then Opposite Jump Front Kick – ball of the foot
19.Double Jump Front Kick – ball of the foot
20.Step to Side Squat Kick (roundhouse kick 45 degrees off the floor) – ball of the foot
21.Roundhouse Kick (old style) ball of the foot
22.Roundhouse Kick (new style) ball of the foot
23.Back corner side kick with one foot followed by a rear kick with the other foot
24.Back corner side kick with one foot followed by rear kick with the same foot


 Isshinryu advanced

25.stepping – on top of opponents foot / stomping
26.stepping – hooking behind on the interior line of defense
27.stepping – hooking behind on the exterior line of defense
28.stepping – stepping on the opponents instep
29.stepping – hurried stomping on the opponents instep
30.stepping – sweep
31.stepping – inner knee check/thrust
32.Front Kick – striking behind the calf on a returning heel
33.Front Kick – shin kick to the inner thigh
34.Front Kick – instep kick with the ball of the foot
35.Front Kick – striking with the inside ball as the foot retracts
36.Naifanchi – inner foot slice to inside of leg
37.Naifanchi – cross foot slice to front of leg – inside to outside
38.Naifanchi – cross foot slice to front of leg – outside to inside
39.Naifanchi – outside ball of foot reverse round strike to outer calf

Other kicking


40.Front Kicks top of the foot
41.Round Kicks top of the foot
42.Ankle Kicking with Toes in shoes (Tam Tuie)
43.Inner Leg Toe Kicking with Shoes (Tam Tuie)
44.Outer Leg Toe Kicking with Shoes (Tam Tuie)
45.Lower Abdomen Toe Kicking with Shoes (Tam Tuie)
46.Uechi style Toe Kicks
47.On Floor, rolling scissors to leg – trap – takedown
48.from Seiza – front thrust kick and return to Seiza
49.Outer Crescent Kick
50.Reverse Roundhouse Kick
51.Jumping Front Front Kick
52.Jumping Outer Crescent Kick
53.Jumping Inner Crescent Kick
54.Jumping Outer Front Crescent Kick followed by Jumping Inner Rear Crescent Kick
55.Jumping Inner Rear Crescent kick followed by Jumping Inner Front Crescent Kick
56.Step and Crescent Kick
57.Rear Side Kick above waist to front with heel toes angled down
58.Front Side Kick above waist to front with heel toes angled down
59.Back Turning Rear Kick
60.Back Turning Side Kick
61.Back Turning Inside Round Kick
62.Back Turning Outside Crescent Kick
63.Back Turning Jumping Rear Outside Crescent Kick followed by turning Inside Crescent Kick
64.Back Turning Jumping Knee followed by turning Inside Crescent Kick
65.Axe Kick (heel striking outside crescent kick)
66.Back Turning Jumping Axe Kick
67.Turn away – drop to knee and place both hands on the floor – rear foot back turning side kick from the kneeling position – return kicking foot to original position – rotate and stand to original position
68.Spinning Wheel Kick
69.Turn away – drop to knee, and place both hands on the floor – spin counter-clockwise with a wheel kick (calf high)

Sparring kicks


70.The normal range of sparring kicking and combinations
Specific Combinations
71.Cross over stomp kick followed by front kick with the other leg
72.Front Shin Kick followed by Rear Shin Kick
73.Rear front Thrust to inner thigh and retract with cut kick to inside of other knee
74.Squat Kick to outside ribs and follow with cross stomping kick on their inner knee
75.Step in and Swing Kick directly to rear hooking their ankle
76.Step outside and Swing Kick directly to the rear hooking their ankle
77.Back Side Kick to Front follow with back turning side kick to the front then place foot down and rear leg outer crescent kick
78.Step Past the attacker and rear leg chamber heel pawing strike to groin



Ghost Techniques

79.Private range of Chinese lower body maneuvers for evasion and turning using the stepping as an attack

Kicking Drills



80.A very wide range of kicking drills cumulating with an exceptional kicking exercise. I will show 3 I have employed:

Kihon Ni Dan


The Itosu Eight Point Kicking Drill


Mabuni 7 point Kicking Drill  




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