Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Tjimande Jurus


I was a shodan when I first began to visit Tristan Sutrisno, who I used to compete against. One of those early visits he taught the first two jurus to his senior students, Eddie and Dave, who were brown belts at that time.


I went through a lot of sweat to remember them, eventually including them in my black belt instruction as I saw their value.


The jurus were a set of 20 2 person fighting combinations, used to develop tjimande fighting skills. Taught in a specific manner, yet as skill advanced if mistakes occurred you made them work in any case. Thus advancing skill developed.


The entire set covered many types of attacks. Though I only learned 3 of them. One time Tris gave a private clinic on one and two for all of you.


I have described them in my blog often including videos of you performing them. (These descriptions are accurate)


You Tube videos of a Tris Clinic on the Jurus

Tristan Juru 1

Triatan Juru 2

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