Sunday, November 26, 2023

Tjimande to Aikidp Drill No.1

 There are times my research gets positively inspired. 

The basic aikido drill 1 I learned from Tris Sutrisno, has always raised a question how much they were from aikido of from his Tjimande as it could be so similar.


Of course, I can’t answer that question. But the parry pass technique at the opening of the drill is exactly as is shown in this Indonesian cjimande juru series. 

Each of the drills begins with the same movement you have been doing for decades in Bushi No Te Isshinryu. Most of them are inspired and simple. 

Some of them get a bit techy locking someone from behind and taking them down, but ignore those, 

About 2/3s of the way through he shows great leg kicking takedowns too. All with an opening you have mastered. 

And one of them is a variation of the aikido spin takedown, adding a knee strike. 

 There are so many systems, I have not found a similar one. I imagine they developed on a common theme, “You are not going to do that in my town.” 

But there are so many systems I imagine they had many jurus dan teknik cimande yang telah dikembangkan 

This video shows what possibilities might follow the initial parry pass the arm with a wealth of ideas.

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