Saturday, December 9, 2023

A Clinic with Sherman Harrill at Chester Houlbecki’s

 These notes from a Sherman Harrill clinic in Chicopee Mass. shows what might be covered in one of his clinics. Not the largest or smallest amount of material for a clinic, however it suggests how Sherman would challenge your mind.  I made continious notes during the clinic as no one from my program could accompany me there. When I returned to Derry, I immediately rewrote them to make them clearer. 

A Clinic with Sherman Harrill at Chester Houlbecki’s

 – October 13, 2001

With the understanding my notes may not be right, just what I perceived.

Attacker RFF Rt Grab of your left wrist (Right Foot Forward, Right Grab)

Take your left finger and lightly stroke his hand (away from him).  This will distract his mind and allow you to easily pull your left hand free.

Attacker LFF Left Grab of your right wrist.

Raise both your hands (as if opening a kata) your left underneath your right (this supports and provides power as it lightly brushes into the attacker's hand.  You can either grab their hand with our left and easily pull it down, or simply pull the right hand out of their grab.

Alternatively, you can use a one knuckle fist to touch their hand as you raise both hands as before, you can then pull your right hand free, grab their open fingers (with your left hand grabbing their thumb) and pull them down in a finger lock.

Attacker RFF Right Grab of your left hand

Your right-hand brushes softly back against the attackers' hand,  

You step back with your left and pull your left hand back as your right-hand presses out against their forearm with a right kame.   From their your right hand can strike out to the side of their neck with a backfist.

One hand technique begins (inspired from one hand techniques of Tatuso Shimabuku)

Attacker RFF Right Grab of your left hand – and then attacker strikes with their left

Close your left hand to distract their mind,  then left middle block to deflect their left punch inside, followed by a left jab to their face.   If they then try to punch with their right, you can simply drop your left elbow on that fist and continue….. with flow

Attacker RFF Rt Grab of your left hand.

Close your left fist (or close your thumb and middle finger)  and then snap your arm free,

The attacker throws a left punch, you outside block with your left arm, then left jab to their face and if they throw a follow up right, drop your left elbow on the punch.

Attacker Left Hand Grabs your Right and then punches with right

Right side block to their grabbing arm, Then Right inside block to their left, followed with a right backfist to their face.

Attacker Left Hand grabs to your body

You shift counterclockwise. Your left hand comes up and presses their striking arm into your chest, your right-hand jabs into their face..  This is a NIHANCHI double side strike bunkai.

Attacker Grabs your Left Shoulder with his right hand and then goes to throw a  left front kick

You counter their left front kick by striking into the front of their left hip with your left hand. The cross body strike makes it impossible to kick.

Attacker grabs your chest with both hands  (CHINTO X-BLOCK, or first Seisan Turn)

You cross your hands over their arms (softly making  sure it is the bottom of your arms touching theirs) left first then right (misleading their mind with both issues).  You then step back with your left and both hands press down and out, causing their hands to loose grip and flow down outside your arm.

This can be followed with a right back hand slap into their neck (similar to Seisan but altered for Bunkai possibilities.

This brings up a detailed analysis of this SLAP.

Sherman Strikes out with the right (and the left keeping flow pressure against their right arm) towards the back of the neck, then releases his knees, drops his elbows, and the striking hand slides towards the front.  [This is akin to his drawing side block.]  The hands are totally relaxed (allowing for better adhesion) and the forward motion of the right strike, with the knee and elbow drop make this a KO.

Against an attackers RFF Punch  (Using Shimabuku Tatuso’s Chinto response (and an original TS Kumite technique)

Your rising X block stops with the attackers' arm on top of the “X”…

Your right hand (behind the left) circles the attackers arm down clockwise, as the left arm (open hand) crosses your right biceps. You can then left backfist to the side of their head, or alternatively left shuto their neck.

Against an attackers RFF Rt Punch (Alternative Chinto oldie but goodie from X motion)

Your left hand (open) circles up and strikes down (clockwise) across their forearm tendon insertion into the elbow.  This causes their knees to buckle and as they drop forward and down your right hand shuto’s the top of their head.

Attacker RFF Rt Grab of your Left Hand (Using the opening the centerline presents)

You turn your left open hand palm up (into the centerline), this weakens their grasp, and you strike towards their throat with your nukite. As this pulls from their grasp you follow with a left shuto into their neck and then a left descending shuto into their groin (follow up as appropriate).

Attacker LFF Lft Grab of your Right Hand

Snap your right hand back (with a right elbow strike) freeing your hand, then step forward with a right elbow strike into their chest, followed by a right rising (top) elbow strike to their jaw, followed by a descending right elbow strike into their chest (as they sway back from the last strike. Follow as appropriate.

Attacker LFF Lft Grab  (New Neck Point)

Outside of  a standard left side brush back block, Sherman responded with two fingers, into the notch at the base (and on the side) of the neck.  The middle finger presses in and down, releasing the attacker’s knees, the right index finger presses into and towards the back of the neck.  This causes them to rotate down.  

14 Drawing

15. Attacker LFF Lft Punch

Right foot steps away (creating an opening), the left open hand slaps across and down (as a wet towel). The left slides down to the hand and grasps the hand (with 2 fingers – thumb/middle) and rotates the attackers hand away counter-clockwise. 

A four-finger grab provides enough warning to make this not work. The two finger grab confuses the attackers' brain and the rest follows.

Then use a right front kick into the side of their leg.  They drop and you settle down in RFF Seiunchin Dachi and drop your right elbow over their arm for the lock.

  Attacker Grabs your chest with their RFF Right Hand  (Seiunchin technique)

Your right-hand flows inwards and across their hand/wrist. You use the same two fingers as 15 to grab and pull their arm across rotating it clockwise. You step in with left Seiunchin (implied left knee strike to arm here too) and strike inwards with the beginning of a left low block (the forearm smash), this is as your left leg gets behind their right leg to open a knee press(jolt), those two motions cause their knees to release and drop, you finish with a left low block to their groin (This is similar to Mabuni’s 1933 Seiunchin Bunkai, which I didn’t understand before).  (From My translation of Mabuni – below)

When the opponent attacks you to the solar plexus with a punch, you parry, as on the bunkai diagram 7, parrying with the augmented block, while using the two hands.

You next seize the wrist of the opponent with the right hand, and you advance your right foot towards him as you find on the bunkai diagram 8.

You hit to the groin with your left fist.


17. Attacker LFF Lft Grab of your right wrist

Begin with the rising ‘X’ block. As you raise your right your left lightly presses against the attackers arm, then the left hand reaches out to the back of the forearm and grasps. The right hand pulls free, grabs their open fingers and rotates their hand counter-clockwise so their fingers fact them as your left grasps their biceps.

Roll your right arm in towards  their body, then step back with your right foot and extend them forward (with the wicked wrist/arm lock) and take them down to the floor.

Alternately, when initially raising your right hand, you can use a left single knuckle press into the back of their hand to open it. Your right can then turn over, grab their fingers (and your left their thumb) and press down for a quick takedown.

Attacker’s Left hand grabs your right wrist (a cross body grab) (Seiunchin rolling backfist response)

Begin with LFF Lft descending strike across their elbow, driving that arm down. Then roll your right hand over (as in Seiunchin) freeing your hand and grabbing their hand rolling the wrist over. When you control their inner elbow and bent in wrist, step forward with your right taking them down (using the standard “S” roll of their arm for pain). As they roll across your feet, you can then give them the very painful wrist press to the back of their elbow…

**.  Attacker’s LFF Lft Punch  (while originally from Sherman one of the others were doing this)

Begin with LFF Lft inner parry which rolls across, under and behind their arm, entangling it. Then your right shuto strikes into their shoulder followed by a right knee strike.

Attacker LFF Lft Punch  (Seiunchin)

Begin with RFF (exterior line of defense) turning counterclockwise raising both hands to press against the attackers' arm. The left hand turns over and slides down to their wrist (to grab it and turn it counterclockwise, raising their elbow) the right arm reaches out, the right hand under their jaw and the right elbow on their turned arm’s biceps. (You may grab their jaw, too.)

Your right foot steps over (before their left) and as you press down on their arm (the right hand provides leverage for the right elbow making the arm bar) you rotate counter-clockwise and drop down, locking them.

Alternatively, when you drop down you can open your right hand , pull the fingers back and press your right palm into the back of their neck to press their face into the ground.

Attacker LFF Lft Punch  (Using the SunNuSu Lock)

Shift to left, left hand behind attackers right side, press forward, right palm strike to jaw rotating neck clockwise (for a lock)

21.  Attacker RFF Rt Punch  (Using Seisan overturning palm)

Shift to left (outside striking arm) and RFF Rt Open hand back wrist parry, which reaches directly out under their jaw.  1) grab jaw and rotate head counter-clockwise 2) grab throat and turn head for takedown in either case.

 Attacker RFF Right Roundhouse Punch  (Seiunchin)

LFF Lft interior high block and strike to the jaw, the faster they come the harder they get hit. Then circle the left hand down to a palm strike to the chest, followed by a right punch to the neck.

Attacker RFF Right Roundhouse Punch (Kusanku)

Left Open High block, with right shuto strike to the side, then right hand circles over to the left and up, rolling their arm over as your left palm strikes to the groin. Finish with a right punch to the side.

Striking into the Carotid artery………

A strike down at the carotid artery drops the heart pressure and may might stop the heart.

A strike up at the carotid artery will raise the heart pressure.

25.. Various striking points

A pinch under the armpit causes ‘pain’

A pinch under the arm (on the triceps tendon) causes ‘pain’

Against a double choke, reach out with one hand and touch the chest, propelling you back.

Actually, from my notes this was the ‘Mabuni style technique’ I described in no. 16.  My notes don’t distinguish no. 16. more clearly.  Hmmm

27.  Attacker RFF Right Punch (Using a Nihanchi application)

Begin with your left arm circling up and over their arm, and then your right hand or right elbow to their shoulder. Follow with step across cutting kick into their shin.

Attacker RFF Right Punch

Shift to the right and 1) right punch into their heart (using ridge of knuckles), follow with 2) a right punch into their attacking arm, punching towards the fist. Immediately 3) end with a right Hammerfest strike into their side.  This is a very powerful strike. The strike to the heart virtually stops their forward motion.

Attacker RFF Right Punch

Begin by sliding your right open hand across their punching hand, then grab with 2 fingers (thumb and middle finger) lightly and rotate their clockwise. Take your right hand (holding theirs) and backfist their nose, follow by pulling them forward (with their bent down wrist lock) and down off balance. Finish with a front kick to their chest/face.

Attacker LFF Lft Punch

Begin by sliding your right foot out (exterior line of defense) and strike inward with a hook punch, alongside their arm (toward their fist), then pull your right fist back to chamber and strike into their kidney area (or rather above their belt)driving them down.

Attacker RFF Rt Punch

Begin with your left arm coming over their arm (in a clockwise direction) and ending with a downward block, sweeping their arm back. Your response depending on distance away from the attackers center.

Long range  - Kick

Medium range – Punch

Close Range – horizontal elbow strike

Additionally, Mr. Harrill explained how Master Shimabuku would punch and then fold the arm for an immediate horizontal elbow strike.

Attacker RFF Rt Punch

Left Foot Back as right-hand presses down across their hand then

Your right hand grabs their wrist (as before) and pulls their arm across clockwise.

Holding their arm, you backfist their face (rotating their wrist over too). Then pull them over with the arm lock and finish with a right kick.

Grappling (2 arms grabbing your arms) Counters

1)Your left arm reaches behind their right side (facing you on your left), and presses forward and up on the pressure point an inch or so off of the spine, this upward motion causes them to rise on their toes.  Your right hand then reaches into their neck (on the outside) and grabs and rotates them down counter-clockwise.

2)Your left leg shoots out behind their right leg, and then presses into the center, breaking their balance making it very easy to upset them.

Demonstration of point on the back to seal the breath, or alternatively open the breath. Especially useful if you shift behind the attacker and strike into there, sealing their breath.

Seisan Combination.

You – RFF Right Punch Attacker – left outside block

Attacker – Right Punch You – Turn your right back foot out, drop in Seiunchin as 

You left block

You – return your right punch Attacker – Left Punch

You hook your left arm over and under, then punch them with your right. Following this step up with your right foot (alongside your left) looking out to the right. This locks their arm. Then turn clockwise to the right, this pulls them forward. As they slingshot out you then use a right vertical backfist to their head, and step across and stomp their leg.

This virtually follows the 2nd turn of Seisan Kata.

Attacker Applies Devils Handshake

You reach across with your other hand and press across at your elbow, relieving the pressure, and then your closer leg delivers a heel slash across their calf ‘pain’.

Attacker applies headlock from behind, under armpits and behind head.

You press both hand tops to your forehead. Then step out into Seiunchin and drop your elbows to break the lock……..    THIS IS AS IN SunNuSu.

38.  Attacker applies headlock from behind (as no. 37). Master Shimabuku’s favorite answer.

You jump out to the sides and drop in Seiunchin, as your both hands reach straight up.

You then drop to the floor (on your butt) and fall back between their legs. Finish with a right punch straight up into the groin.

Attacker RFF Right Punch  (one of Shimabuku Sensei’s Kumite)

Your left-foot steps forward (exterior line of defense). And deliver a left inner horizontal elbow(forearm) strike across their striking arm.  Your right foot then circles clockwise, your left-hand flows down and up inside their arm, and you finish with a right rear elbow strike into their spine… [Almost identical to a similar Eagle Claw technique.]

39.  Attacker RFF Right Punch  (one of Shimabuku Sensei’s Kumite)

You raise your open right palm to the interior line of defense, forming a high block.  You then pivot counterclockwise and drop a descending vertical palm strike into their closest clavical (trying to break it). Follow with a knee strike into the groin  (Variation of Kusanku)

Attacker throws a right front kick (one of Shimabuku Sensei’s Kumite)

You shift to the right (interior line of defense) hook your left arm under and up outside their kick, then your right hand strikes into their throat, and your right leg hooks behind their left. They are now set up for a big takedown.

Mr. Harrill made a number of general points about stance. How on Sanchin the foot may be turned slightly in, but then is straightened as you step.  I’m not sure but that also may contradict how he used the foot turned in to loosen the hips to be able to step back out of range, but with hips and knees coordinated the rear punch strikes quite well.   [See my work on releasing the knees.]

Mr. Harrill  also discussed Seiunchin. Originally the back leg of Seisan was turned out and you simply dropped down. From there your reverse punch can reach out far with the use of he hips, still remaining in stance.    He explained how the lower Seiunchin stances robs one of this ability.

A youth defense. Attacker Right Foot Forward Right punch. Simply pull your left arm back as if to brush your head (a flowing rearward high side block). Then the same hand follows back with a backfist strike.

Sai Bunkai

44.   In Kusanku Sai, where I was taught to step to the side with a double inner handle strike ,then throw the one sai down. Originally you stepped back in Seiunchin and raised your right hand into a high block, an from their threw that sai into the chest area of your opponent.    For safety this was changed in the dojo, but the original was a real throw. The foot was an incredibly bad target for the other version of the kata.

45. In Chantan Yara No Sai, where you raise both sai (closed) and then slide back and double down strike, then shuffle up and double handle strike before the double inner flip out strike.

This was intended to use the double closed sai to stop a horizontal bo thrust, then hook the bo and pull away with the down strike. Complete with the double handle strike to the abdomen.

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