Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Bushi No Te Aikido Drills from Tristan Sutrisno


The first night I attended Tristan Sutrisno's dojo I watched for 25 minutes his students perform 8 different Aikido Drills for 25 minutes. They performed them in a circular group attack pattern with one attack following the other. The defender stood in the middle of the group and handled attacker after attacker.

Then when the group concluded the exercise Tristan turned to me and asked if I would like to give it a try. Simply I did so. Tristan was astounded then he asked me how I did that. 

I replied after watching all of them do it, I had what they did in my memory, so I just did it.

I worked never to forget those exercises. Over the years I learned more of those drills.

This previous post from my blog shows those drills.

Isshin - Concentration the Art: Bushi No Te Aikido Drills

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