Thursday, December 21, 2023

Discussion on the Isshinryu Kempo Gokui

 When Lewis Sensei returned from Okinawa he carried Sherman’s Silks with him. And sent them to Sherman. The photo was posted by Richard Ruberto..


William Halter

This may be a bit rambling per usual for my posts here, but please bear with me.

Let's talk Situational Awareness, the key ingredient to avoiding bad situations before they happen in my mind.

The number one thing to me is this: "know the area you're in and how people act in this area". Just scanning an area while noting where potential threats can come from, and possible escape routes pay dividends on ducking out before things get hairy. In line with this, especially for people who live in areas where sketchy people tend to congregate, 

Number Two: Do not stare at any thugs you spot. In their mind, by staring at them constantly (and setting yourself in a defensive posture), you're "Mad Dogging: them (also known as challenging their position in their perceived pecking order. This will most likely get their attention and they won't be interested in talking things out because the need to maintain their "street cred". Just note where they are and their mood and adapt accordingly (if they look agitated, then leave and do your business elsewhere. You may have the right to come and go as you please, but they may try to kill you to save their 'cred' and most of the time, it's not worth it).

Number Three: avoid high-risk activities. I'm not talking about going skydiving or doing extreme sports here, but rather things like "don't get shitfaced drunk in a sketchy part of town". This can only lead to bad times for either sex if they ignore this guideline.

Number Four: Just because you're in an area that doesn't abide by the common rules of civilization doesn't mean you're immune because you aren't from the "barbarian" area. Laws, at the end of it all, are words written on paper and do you no good when you're getting curb stomped by the locals. Instead, keep a low profile. Don't act like a potential victim (by being completely oblivious to your surroundings) and be aware of what's around you, but at the same time, don't be an asshole. If a thug starts yelling at you to leave, then just say something like "my bad" and leave. Odds are they don't want you around and discretion (and not-having-to-heal-while-going-to-court) says that retreat is the best option. Don't challenge them, just get out of there and let others who are paid to do so handle them. Learn and understand the triggers that set off the thugs and act accordingly.

Number Five, one that I have personal experience with (as in "giving statements to cops and attorneys" experience with): do not intervene. Call the cops and be a good witness. Stepping into a dispute you have no prior knowledge of is a good way to get shanked among other things. In my case, I watched as a woman was beaten by a guy who at least was a trained fighter (the shin kick he used on her as she was on her hands and knees was textbook muay thai) and the only way I could have stopped it was with a pistol shot with a very bad angle through the glass and with the victim between me and the perp. I simply gave a good and detailed statement to the police when they arrived, made sure the victim was unharmed while being ready to render basic medical care. End result was the POS getting hard time and I had no further issues.

TL;DR version of this is as follows: 1) know where the hell you're at and have escape plans in your mind, 2) You have nothing to prove by brawling with the gangbangers so do pick fights with them and know what will get them to pick a fight with you so you don't get them riled up. 3) Don't step in to domestic disputes. The police officers here can give more details than I on how that can go sideways, but the best course of action is to be a good witness with the exception of a seriously extreme circumstance (in which case, be sure you are legally covered for intervening and are prepared to face the fallout of your actions; gangs aren't the most discriminatory or precises of criminal elements when it comes to revenge).

John Kerker The first, the seventh and the eighth parts of the Kenpo Gokui are for what you have written here.......

 When Mr Harrill came back from Okinawa the Kenpo Gokui and the Makiwara became his Sensei, since he had passed I have chosen the same route as far as furthering my personal training....if anything is missing in current day Isshinryu Ryu. It's the true nature of the Kenpo Gokui and the manner in which it affects how you train and your life......if I had had 15 minutes to have a conversation with Mr Harrill, this would be what I would talk to him about.

Andy Sloane Reading from right to left:

拳法極意 (kenpo gokui) - Fist law Essential points

人心同天地 (Jinshin wa tenchi ni onaji – A person’s heart is the same as Heaven and Earth)

血脈似日月 (Ketsumyaku wa nichigetsu ni nitari – The circulatory system is similar to the cycles of the moon and sun)

法剛柔呑吐 (Ho wa goju don to su – Breathing methods are either hard or soft)

碼進退離逢 (Shintai wa hakarite riho su – One’s posture should allow one to advance, retreat, engage, and disengage the opponent)

身随時應變 (Mi wa toki ni shitaga hen ni ozu – The body should be able to act in accordance with time and change)

手逢空則入 (Te wa ku ni ai sunawachi hairu – In combat, one must enter a state of emptiness)

目要視四面 (Me wa shiho wo miru wa yo su – The eyes must see all sides)

耳能聽八方 (Mimi wa yoku happo wo kiku – The ears should listen in all directions)

一心流空手道師範 島袋 龍夫 (Isshinryu Karatedo Shihan Shimabukuro Tatsuo - Wholehearted method Empty-hand Way Instructor Island Bag Dragon Man)

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