Wednesday, December 27, 2023

When I translated the French editions of Mabuni Sensei's first 2 books.

It was around 1990 when Joe Swift, knowing I had studied French, asked me to translate 2 French editions of Mabuni Kenwa's books from the early 1930s. They were "Goshin Karate Kobudo " on kata Sanchin and Seiunchin as well as "Karate Kempo" on kata "Seipai". They were not the complete original editions, rather focusing on the kata presented. Later Mario McKenna would translate the original editions. It took me a bit of work, but I accomplished what Joe asked of me.

The original Japanese edition of "Karate Kempo" in Japanese can be found in pdf form on this site.

I shared the original Japanese work on Mabunis Seipai on my blog previously.


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