Saturday, December 30, 2023

Learn the corresponding blocks with grabbing and immobilizing techniques.

Bruno Ballardini     'Karate di Okinawa'  A very insightful comment from Kyan Chotoku Sensei….

Kyan said, “Learn the corresponding blocks with grabbing and immobilizing techniques”, and “When you grasp an opponent's arm you must do it strongly and loosely at the same time, so you can react to your opponent’s reaction”. (Kempo Gaietsu by Nisaburo Miki, January 10, 1930)

Paolo Taig Hojo undo training is oriented to develop such a strong but flexible grip. A grip that can grasp the meat and in the same time that can transform and change shape following the reactions of the opponent. Infact the most involved fingers in a grip, especially at the first moment, are the fourth and little finger, this permit to change the grip as you need.

Chris Hoshiyama Also what I believe Kyan Sensei meant as it is the same in Karate, Jujitsu etc. Is a strong grip and like written above to change shape to reaction. However, this must include the arm and ultimately the entire body. They all must do the same thing to control the reaction. Paolo Sensei nice job about the grip. 

Masters of Shorinryu  Graham Noble

Interview with Joen Nakazato  Caorl Wolmack

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