Sunday, December 31, 2023

One random adult/black belt class


When I remember teaching my adult students, I also recall how much I worked to make each class unique. No two classes ever repeated the same material. In many ways it was because I based my ideal class on using the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is a fundamental theory in quantum mechanics that states that we cannot know both the position and speed of a particle, such as a photon or electron, with perfect accuracy1234. The principle is named after German physicist Werner Heisenberg, who proposed it in 1927123. The more we nail down the particle's position, the less we know about its speed and vice versa.

I learned how to structure a class from so many individuals. How Tom Lewis held our classes in Salisbury, How Charles Murray taught me in his church outside of Scranton. How Tris Sutrisno held classes in Hazleton.

My students were occasionally kyu members, most were long term black belt students. All with different needs. Important to note that long term adult students will have to miss class at times, for many reasons. However, they never quit always returning when possible and always advancing in their practice.

My approach also kept me working to keep the classes useful for everyone, including myself. For I was always engaged in my own research and my own study. 

While each class was unique, never repeating another class, there was a focus too. Never explained to the members, rather a goal of focus that extended for months (6 to 12 of them) before the next goal would take over. Always to move them and myself into newer directions in our art.

Let me give an example of one class. (at times I kept notes of those classes),

Bushi No Te Isshinryu adult training

 Saturday 03/11/2006


Class Group for the day - Working with 1 beginner, 1 brown belt with 11 years training in multiple arts, 1 black belt candidate with 9 years training, 2 black belts with 17+ years training

Demonstration of 'Lung Le Kuen' (Pai Lum) [addition form study which begins at brown belt] with an explanation of the difference in power generation between Pai Lum and Isshinryu.

Reviewing and/or understanding the use of crescent stepping.

1. Comparison of crescent stepping into seisan stance versus straight stepping into seisan stance 

 a. Explaining how advanced body mechanics can obtain the same results with either choice.

 b. Experiencing the difference against live attacks.

2. Analysis of the value stepping off the centerline, before exploding into the stance

 a. Addition of cross hand parry before striking

 b. Use of reverse stepping to counter a faster attack.

   i. Requires correct balance on the balls of the feet.

  ii. A more powerful way to angle into an attack. 

Practice of Kata Sho (Fukyugata) and Kata Seisan

Applications of Kata Sho for the beginner

1. Use of the opening to counter a straight hand grab

2. Use of the low block stepping lunge punch to counter a grab from the front.

Applications from Seisan Kata (Harrill Sensei Technique)

1. Use of the opening of Sesian’s 2nd row of techniques

a. Parry the strike with the left, step forward with the right and use a rising palm strike into their lower abdomen followed with the rising open ridge hand into their neck, then crossing the arms over their triceps, and turning away with the controlling lock

2. Use of the cross body open hand parry followed by the front kick at the end

 a. Use earlier crescent step to shift 20 degrees across their attacking arm as you parry, follow by a front kick into the inner upper leg above the knee.

 b. Use of earlier crescent step to shift 10 degrees across their attacking arm as you parry, follow with a front kick past their leg and use the returning heel to smash into their calf from behind for a takedown.

3. Use of Seisan’s opening against a left grab

 a. Left crescent step forward, with left outside block, then right foot forward with a right punch into their leg (for the cramp tkd).

Lower Body Techinques 

 1. Front Kick

 2. Front Kick 45 degrees

 3. Front Kick to Side

 4. Side Kick

 5. Cross Kick

 6. Front Thrust Kick to Knee

Advanced Kata practice




Instructors study – Tomari Rohai (Isshinryu style variation) and Sutrisno knife study.


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