Sunday, December 17, 2023

Studying what the least amount of effort can mean


About 1988, as I was studying how to apply my Isshinryu karate, I thought of a different way to look at karate technique.

How to drop an opponent with the least amount of effort.

Instead of working on maximizing strikes for the strongest strikes, I was going to explore what the least amount of force that could conclude an opponent's attack. 

It certainly was not something I had ever heard discussed.

And slowly as the years went by, I discovered various ways to do just this.

One day years later when I was working with my Tai Chi Chaun students, I discovered yet another answer.

Now when I studied Yang Tai Chi Chaun with Ernest Rothrock I was only interested in the form, and while my study incorporated various subsidiary studies, such as Push Hands and Yang Tai Chi Sword, the martial applications of Tai Chi were rarely discussed.

The following post from my blog explains something of a use I discovered for myTai Chi Chaun.,

Isshin - Concentration the Art: Tai Chi Press

My study continues. Other discoveries were made in time Each of them became other minimalist studies.

I saw a use from using the least amount of force to conclude an attack, allowing them to be used to SUPRISE an attacker.

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