Sunday, December 3, 2023

Tatsuo’s Kumite by Master John Bartusevics


When I was a beginner, I never was shown the Tatsuo Kumite, Lewis Sensei never taught it. Although he did share several karate applications which I see are in the Kumite series. When he studied in Agena the Kumite was not taught to many students then. Later when Charles Murray trained in Agena, in 1872, the Kumite was not taught to him either. So, neither of my instructor used the series in their instruction.

When I discovered the internet in the late 1980's I began to hear of the Secret Scrolls of Isshinryu. Today I would recognize them as an attempt to reconstruct the Tatsuo Kumite. Decades later I would receive Sherman Harrill listing of what were the Tatsuo Kumite. Much later I received a dvd of Sherman doing a clinic on them.

Several years ago, I found the videos of a clinic John Bartusevics gave on the Tatsuo Kumite. As I posted this previously on my blog, if you follow the link below you will have them.

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