Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The Secret Bushi No Te Isshinruyu “Black Belt Manual”

Trying to combine truth and gentle humor, I’d like to share the official black belt manual I received on obtaining my Sho-Dan in Isshinryu (with several additions I’ve made to it as time passed).

Over the years I believe I’ve read much of what has been written about Isshinryu and Okinawan Karate in General. Much that I originally believed has later been proven less than accurate. In the early years it was very easy to accept anything documented as correct. Being somewhat more suspect I find that the only fully accurate definitions of my Isshinryu came from my instructors.

  1. Isshinryu Standards on awarding Kyu Rank.


 2. Isshinryu Standards on awarding Dan Rank.


“All I’ve ever seen are the ones I experienced. Mr. Lewis nor Mr. Murray never explained the qualifications, I just trained, and they ranked me.”

 3. When does one seek additional Black Belt training?


 4. Who does one seek additional Black Belt training from?


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