Thursday, January 4, 2024

Attacking the balance points

A special category of takedowns I learned from Tristan Sutrisno involve subtle use of the opponent's balance.

This is a part of Tai Chi Energy Point Alignment theory I got from Ernest Rothrock as part if my Tai Chi study with him.

The first part of the theory is how to keep your 'energy points in alignment for the maximum power that such alignment generates.

But everything has two sides. For understanding where the opponent us unaligned can be a starting point to attack those alignments and cause the opponent to go down.

The following examples are from Siliat and show:

1. Where a person's alignment is incorrect and where to use that against them.

2. How to unbalance them with subtle movements and then capitalize on that effect.

3. Recognition that when a technique is being done to you, at that techniques mid-point it is open to reversal to unbalance your attacker.

The following are interesting examples. They are being done with no power to speak of to show how effective they can be. But in use during an application, you would use power as the situation dictates.

The video is here;    Wu Hsin Kuen Silat (2006)

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