Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Bushi No Te Isshinryu Kata Ananku

 October 2006



This kata was originally created by Kyan. This version came from Shimabuku Ezio, younger brother of Tatsuo. I studied this with Carl Long. The original version used both vertical strikes and turning strikes. I changed them to all vertical strikes for our version.

One time I observed Carl teaching this kata to a student. That was the only time I saw this kata, Then I worked on what I saw for over 5 years before incorporated the form into my program.

About7 years later some of my students went with me to Penna. for a tournament. One of my adult yellow belts did the form Carl watched it too. Later he approached me to say "You sly dog, you got it right and so did your student.

12:00 . rei, hide weapon, close down. cross arms, open

 2:00 . look right, shift to left back stance, RSB 45’

. shift weight to right foot, LRP

11:00 . look left, shift weight to right back stance, LSB 90’

. shift weight to left foot, RRP

 9:00 . look left, 45’ left, lff cat stance, LSB

. step lff seisan keeping LSB, RHP, LHP, RFK, RRP

 3:00 . look right, 180’, pivot on left, rff cat stance, RSB

. step rff seisan keeping RSB, LHP, RHP, LFK, LRP

12:00 . look left, 90’ left pivot on right, lff cat stance, LSB

. step rff seisan, RHP

 1:00 . look right, 270 left, pivot on right, lff seisan, right forearm strike

 2:00 . look right, 45’ right, pivot on left, rff cat stance, RSB

. step rff seisan keeping RSB, LRP, RRP, LFK, LRP

10:00 . look left, 90’ left, pivot on right, lff cat stance, LSB

. step lff seisan keeping LSB, RRP, LRP, RFK, RRP

 6:00 . Look left, step right foot back into lff back stance, LLB

. Step rff, RHP

. Left foot kick-back, RSB

. right front jump kick

. land in rff seisan, RLB

. left foot kick-back, RSB

12:00 . look left, 180’ left, pivot on the right, chamber both hands high to the left, 

double shuto right hand leading, left at solar plexus.

. step back right foot, chamber both high to the right, double shuto left leading, 

Right at solar plexus

. step up, close down.

. rei

Note: the last section facing 12, with the chamber of both hands high, is a modification I made for beginners. The original technique was step away with the bottom hand facing the opponent (palm down) and the top hand crossing the lower arm, the hand turned towards your face. Then the lower hand is pulled back as the top arm drops the elbow and strikes out. The two hands together can be a wrist grab counter.

The modified technique came from Korean training, and it is changed to the original technique at green belt.


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