Sunday, January 7, 2024

Bushi No Te - KATA SHO

Fukyugata Sho from Shorin Ryu was developed by Nagamine Shoshin (Matsubayshi-ryu Shorin Ryu) at the same time Miyagi Chojun (Goju Ryu) developed Fukyugata Ni.  It was felt the kata of the Shuri and Naha schools were too difficult for beginners.


Fukyugata Sho was developed in the mid 1930’s and has been slightly modified by Smith Victor to utilize Isshinryu stances, blocks and strikes.

12:00 . Rei, hide weapon, close down.

. Cross arms, open

 9:00 . Look left, 90’ left, pivot on the right, lff seisan LLB

. step rff, RHP

 3:00 . look over right shoulder, 180’ to right, pivot on left, rff, RLB

. step lff, LHP

12:00 . look left, 90’ left, pivot on the right, lff seisan, LLB

. step rff, RHP

. step lff, LHP

. step rff, RHP

 5:00 . look over left shoulder, 270’ left, left foot back tsutemi turn, lff seisan, LLB

. step rff, RHB

 7:00 . look right, 90’ right pivot on the left, rff seisan, RLB

. step rff RHB

 6:00 . look left, 45’ left, pivot on the right to lff seisan RRP

. step rff, LRP

. step lff, LRP

. step rff, LRP

11:00 . look over left shoulder, 270’ left, left foot back tsutemi turn, lff, LLB

. step rff, RRHP to face

 1:00 . look right, 90’ right, pivot on left, rff RLB

. step lff, LRHP to face

12:00 . pull back left foot, hide weapon, close down

. rei


Bushi No Te Isshinryu Kata

From the early 1990’s

Kata Sho

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