Monday, January 8, 2024

Kyozai kata


Over years I added additional subsidiary kata to my program. Essentially this was done for my youth program, I wanted to allow them more time in their study to become stronger karate-ka. I felt beginning their study with Seisan kata was not the best place to start. I then selected a Shorin ruy kata, Ananku to be our next step. But in the early 1990s Joe Swift sent me a performance of kata Kyozai and an explanation of the form, etc.

About 1980 the Okinawan schools were creating a karate gym program, to allow all Okinawan school students to touch the Okinawan arts from their past. This was not a karate program. The form was created by a group of teachers who were also karateka. The techniques selected touched on many Okinawan karate systems.

Once I saw the form I realized it would allow my students to better prepare them for Ananku kata, moving toward Seisan Kata. It also helped them for the 7-to-9-year journey toward their own Isshinryu black belt.

Hi Victor-san,

It was indeed a fascinating study.

Regarding the Kyozai-gata, I learned it from Hokama Sensei, who is one of the ones who invented it.

It's somewhat between the Fukyu-gata of Nagamine, and the Pinan / Gekisai series, in terms of technical content.

1. Salutation & ready posture

2. LF to L into zenkutsu and LH side block.

3. RFF along same line and RH middle level punch.

4. RF to R (180 degrees) into zenkutsu and RH side block

5. LFF along same line and LH middle level punch

6. LF to front in zenkutsu and LH down block

7. RFF and RH upper level punch

8. LFF and LH upper level punch

9. RFF and RH upper level punch

10. Spin to L of RH to face rear right diagonal in LFF zenkutsu and LH down block

11. RFF on same diagonal line and RH shuto-uke 

12. RFF to the R to face rear left diagonal in RFF zenkutsu and RH down block

13. LFF on same diagonal line and LH shuto-uke

14. LF to rear of kata line into zenkutsu and LH down block

15. RH middle level reverse punch

16. RF front kick

17. Set RFF and LH middle level reverse punch

17. LF front kick

18. Set LFF and RH middle level reverse punch

19. RF front kick

20. Set RFF and spin to the L to face the front and perform a LH down block

21. Drop to the right knee and RH punch

(in my version No. 21 and 22 were combined to Drop to the right kne while performing a LH down block followed by a RH punch to the opponent's groin.)

22. Stand up and bring RF to the LF, stack hands at R hip.

23. Perform a LF front kick and LH punch directly to the L

24. Set LFF on the same line and perform a RH reverse punch

25. Pull the LF to the RF and stack the hands at the L hip

26. Perform a RF front kick and RH punch directly to the R

27. Set RFF on the same line and perform a LH reverse punch

28. Face the L forward diagonal in LFF cat stance and perform a mawashi-uke & push (LH down, RH up)

29. Quickly face the R forward diagonal in RFF cat stance and perform a mawashi-uke & push (RH down, LH up)

30. Leaving the LF in place, bring the RF and the hands to face the direct front on RFF cat stance. 

31. RFB to LF in attention stance and perform ending salutation.

Pretty straight forward.




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