Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Menjo, Menkyo, Kaiden


I heard the term "Menkyo Kaiden" on my first trip to Japan. I asked Ohtsuka Hironori Shihan (Founder of Wado-ryu Karate) about the meaning of "Menkyo Kaiden". Ohtsuka Shihan explained that menkyo was originally a part of the ranking system in some of the old martial arts. Menkyo was also a certification and Menkyosho was a certificate. He further explained kaiden as a title that was given to a student that had learned all the techniques of the master and meant "equal to the master." A Menkyo Kaiden was normally a makimono (scroll) which was the transmission of the secret techniques (usually in drawings) given by the Master to the successor.

When I went to Okinawa, I was still unclear about the meaning of menkyo kaiden. I asked Chibana Sensei (Head of the Okinawa Shorin-ryu Karate-do Association) and he gave me the following explanation:

In Okinawan karate, the term menjo (diploma) was used, rather than menkyo. A "Shihan no Menjo" (expert teacher/master diploma/certificate) was awarded in place of a menkyo kaiden. A Shihan no Menjo superceded ranking in determining seniority. 

The transmission of techniques was through the kata. A recipient of a Shihan no Menjo would be able to demonstrate the various meaning and the corresponding applications of all the movements (techniques) of all the kata. 

Till today, I am not 100% clear about the difference (if any) between menjo and menkyo.


Charles Goodin on his website often had guest posters such as the late Pat Nakata, Sensei

Sensei Pat Nakata. Nakata Sensei was the head of the Okinawa Shorin-Ryu Karate Association in Hawaii. He was a student of Chosin (Choshin) Chibana in Kobayashi-Ryu Shorin-Ryu, and also studied Ryukyu Kobudo under Sensei Fumio Nagaishi. When he was a young man, he studied Wado-Ryu Karate under Sensei Walter Nishioka.

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