Sunday, January 14, 2024

Bushi No Te Isshinryu Saifa Kata

 Kata Saifa

12:00 . Rei

. Lean off balance forward and step RFF to face 9:00, then slide the left foot 

  alongside the right.

09:00 . Right rear elbow strike with the left hand pressing the right fist back into the strike.

, The left hand then sharply pulls the right hand down in front of the left knee

. The left foot steps away, descending into horse stance, as the left hand circles up          and down (clockwise) to an open hand on guard position at the solar plexus. The            right hand backfist slashes down across the attacker's face into chamber and then          uppercut strikes.

03:00 . Step LFF to face 3:00 then slide the right foot up along side the left

. Left rear elbow strike with the right hand pressing the left fist back into the 


. The right hand then sharply pulls the left hand down in front of the right   knee

. The right foot steps away, descending into horse stance, as the right hand circles Up and down (counter-clockwise) to an open hand on guard position at the solar  Plexus. The left hand backfist slashes down across the attackers    face into  chamber and then uppercut strikes.

09:00 . Step RFF to face 9:00, then slide the left foot alongside the right.

. Right rear elbow strike with the left hand pressing the right fist back into the  strike.

, The left hand then sharply pulls the right hand down in front of the left knee

. The left foot steps away, descending into horse stance, as the left hand circles up   and down (clockwise) to an open hand on guard position at the solar plexus. The right hand backfist slashes down across the attacker's face into chamber and then uppercut strikes.

12:00 . Step LFF seisan with a left open hand middle outside block and a right open 

  hand low block

. Right knee strike followed by a right front kick, completing RFF Seisan stance.

. Right open hand middle outside block and a left open hand low block

. Left knee strike followed by a left front kick and place the foot down in the rear 

  forming a RFF Seisan.

. Chamber both hands in fists as the side of the upper chest, then double forward 


. Open the left hand, circle the hands (left counter-clockwise - right clockwise)

  And conclude with a right hammer fist strike into the left open hand

. Chamber the right fist into the front of the left armpit, and place the left open 

  hand at the right shoulder

06:00 . Pivot on the left foot into LFF Seisan facing 6:00.

. While pivoting, grab with the left hand and cross hammer fist strike with the                    right then pull both fists to chamber at the upper chest, then double strike

. Open the right hand, circle the hands (left counter-clockwise - right clockwise)

  And conclude with a left hammer fist strike into the right open hand

12:00 \

. Turn head to 12:00 chamber right foot alongside left knee then drop right foot down in a high 

  horse stance while executing a right circular (clockwise) descending hammer fist strike. You

  are facing 9:00.

. Complete the technique by grabbing with the right hand, the right hand pulls in while the left 

  upper cut strikes towards the right hand, and drop down into your stance.

06:00 . Turn head to 6:00 chamber left foot alongside right knee then drop left foot down in a high

  Horse stance while executing a left circular (counter-clockwise) descending hammerfist strike. 

  You are facing 3:00.

. Complete the technique by grabbing with the left hand, the left hand pulls in while the right

  Uppercut strikes towards the left hand, and drop down into your stance

. Step RFF into Sanchin. The right hand stays out as you step but chambers to complete a left 

  Reverse punch.

. Step LFF into a lunge stance in front of your right foot. Your left hand stays out in front of your 

  left foot

12:00 . Pivot on the left foot into RFF Cat Stance facing 12:00. As you do this you execute a left open 

  ridge hand strike to 12:00

. As that strike concludes, raise your right open hand (both palms facing each other) until they are 

  an arm width apart.

. Pull both hands to the left side. They roll over as you do so but remain the same distance apart, 

  concluding with a side of the chest chamber.

. The right open hand circles up (clockwise) and then down to the right hip at the side (fingers 

  pointing down. At the same time the left hand, from the open hand fingers down at your left side) 

  rolls up to the left hand chambering at the front of your left armpit.

. Sink down in your cat stance while both palms strike to the front.

. LFF alongside the right foot as you Rei

Addendum to these notes 12.08.2006

Our Saifa originated in the teaching of Ed Savage, a Goju instructor, from Ithica NY, with other sources adding concepts along the way. In modern Goju Saifa is taught before Seiunchin kata.

The specific reason it was included in Bushi No Te Isshinryu was 1) to provide a break of a shorter kata between Seisan and Seiunchin study and 2) the knee strike front kick sequence restores a technique set aside in our Issyinryu tradition. Originally this was how Wansu Kata concluded, but that was replaced with just a front front kick years ago. The inclusion of the knee strike front kick restores that training. It is a close order technique on first appraisal, the knee strike to drive them off setting up room for the front kick.

Saifa roughly means ‘Smash and Destroy’. This is appropriate in our later application study of Saifa.

After Ed Savage taught the kata Saifa to me, he gave these Saifa scans to me from his instructor's book.

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