Monday, January 29, 2024

Toudi (Karate) from Mutsu


An Explanation of Karate Kenpo 

as Practiced at Tokyo Imperial University

If we break down the components of Karate Kenpo, we get the following.

Tokyo Imperial University Karate Kenpo






Methods of Impacting

Elbow Strikes


Passive Defense

Preemptive Defense

Inside Block

Outside Block

Lower Block

Upper Block

   Practical Applications (Kumite) of Above

Tokyo Imperial University Competitive Matches



Straight Punch

Long Range Straight Punch

Short Range Straight Punch

Hooking Punch

Long Range Hooking Punch

Short Range Hooking Punch

Scooping Punch

Body Punch

Double Punch

Horizontal Double Punch

Vertical Double Punch

Swinging Punch

Circular Punch

The above are all punches or thrusts made with the closed fist.

Chicken Beak Punch

Bird’s Bill Thrust

The above are punches or thrusts made with single knuckles.

Fingertip Thrusts (Nukite Tsuki)

One Finger Thrust

Two Finger Thrust

Three Finger Thrust

Four Finger Thrust

Palm Thrust

Woodpecker Thrust

Demon Fist Thrust


Hammerfist Strike

Backfist Strike

Chicken Beak Strike

Knife Palm Strike

Palm Strike

Scooping Strike

Arching Strike

Sideways Strike

Flat Strike

Knee Strike


Kick to Groin

Kick to Abdomen

Kick to Face

Punch and Kick Together

Joint Kick

Kick to Elbow Joint

Kick to Knee Joint

Stomping Kick

Methods of Impacting

Impacting with Fist

Impacting with Hammerfist

Impacting with One Knuckle Fist

Impacting with Back Fist

Impacting with Flat Hand

Elbow Strikes

Deflect with Vertical Elbow

Strike with Horizontal Elbow

Strike with Rear Elbow

Strike with Forward Elbow

Block with Elbow

Drop Elbow Down

Thrust with Elbow


Passive Defense

Evade by Opening to the Side

Leaning the upper body out of the way

Slipping the attack

Ducking under the attack

Jumping back

Jumping to the side

The six above-mentioned methods are known as passive defense techniques.

Active (Preemptive) Defense

Inside Block

Outside Block

Lower Block

Upper Block

The above-mentioned blocking techniques can be applied with the following techniques.

Block with Palm (Sho-uke)

Block with Fist (Ken-uke)

Sweeping Block (Harai-uke)

Side Block (Yoko-uke)

Scooping Block (Sukui-uke)

Knife Palm Block (Shoto-uke)

Empty Block (Kara-uke)

Thrusting or Punching Block (Tsuki-uke)

Hooking Hand Block (Kakete-uke)

Dropping Down Block (Uchi-otoshi)

Wrist Block (Kote-uke)

Elbow Block (Hiji-uke)

Block Reinforced with Fist

Block Reinforced with Elbow

Combination Palm Blocks (Kosaku Sho-uke)

Combination Fist Blocks (Kosaku Ken-uke)

Praying Hands Block (Gassho-uke)

Pulling Hand Block (Hikite-uke)

Grasping Hand Block (Tsukamite-uke)

Block Inward with both Palms

Returning Wave (Nami-gaeshi)

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