Monday, February 26, 2024

A past discussion about how Shimabuku, Tatsuo taught kata in 1964-64


During 1963-64 Shimabuku stopped teaching Seiunchin, Naihanchi and Wansu kata. Do yo or anyone else know why? I do but for the sake of learning I ask the group,


Victor comment: that means the empty hand kata of that time were Seisan, Chinto, Kusanku and SunNuSu.

Sherman Harrill also commented to me on this, before that time he had trained his brother in the Isshinryu as he had studied from 1959-1961, Then his brother enlisted in the Marines and was stationed on Okinawa. His brother went to Agena to ask permission to train with Shimabuku. He was asked to perform his kata, doing so as Sherman taught him (this was 1964). He was told that his kata were ok, but that he had to change his punches from the vertical punch to the twisting punch. Tatsuo explained he was taught correctly, but he should not use them in Agena, as at that time the twisting punches were being taught. Another of the variations in Isshinryu that were being taught at that time.


Jet Taylor@.... writes,

He was further amplifying the system in order to allow it to be taught in such a short period of time given the short tours of duty which the servicemen had.

The reason Tatsuo gave was that many Americans were trying to learn too much. They were trying to learn kobudo and were not doing the empty-handed kata correctly, so he dropped these three kata. 

At one time there were now several Americans who were staying longer on Okinawa or where were returning and learning more. Bill Blond, John Bartusivices, Louis King and Advincula so the lata continued to be taught.


Further Victor note: As I heard this after his trips to the States in 1964 and 1966 seeing the original Isshinryu vertical punch was being taught in the states, he reverted to saying the vertical punch was what he felt was the stronger punch.


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