Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Bushi No Te Isshinryu Kata Ananku


Back around 1982 one of the dojos I regularly visited was the Shorin Ryu dojo of Carl Long. Almost every Saturday I would visit to train alongside Carl on Saturday mornings before going to train with Ernest Rothrock on Saturday afternoons.

Carl and I used to regularly show each other our versions of each other's kata.  His karate derived from a Mr. Nash who trained with Shimabuku Ezio on Okinawa. It seems this Mr. Nash taught at both the American students' and Okinawan students' dojo of Ezio on the island. And there were differences between what was being taught to the American students and what was being taught to the Okinawan students.

Our comparisons of my Isshinryu, compared to his Shorin Ryu was similar yet at times quite different.

One day I was there Carl was teaching one of his students Ananku kata. I observed him teaching the kata. Of course, I retained what I saw. The kata was not complex, the version shown used both vertical strikes and then twisting strikes when striking (punching). I only observed it that one time.

So, I began to practice it, just another attempt to push myself.

In time I realized it would be a useful kata to teach the youth in my program as a step after Kata Sho, to add to their understanding of what a kata was and an additional step to prepare them to learn Seisan. As normal it was about 5 years after I learned an practiced that form before I added it to my program. I did modify the kata, so we only used the vertical strikes each time. I also changed the ending mawashi uke strikes to a simpler set of movements, again for simplicity.

Years later I took some of my adult students into Pa. to compete at a Coal Kick In tournament. One of them competed with Ananku in the yellow belt division. Carl Long was one of the judges, afterwards he approached me and simply said I did a good job.

Historical from what Carl Long revealed to me about Ananku.

This kata was originally created by Kyan. This version came from Shimabuku Ezio, younger brother of Tatsuo. 



Youth Demo Annnaku 



I never learned the correct spelling for the kata.

So, what I choose was selecting between various spellings.

I saw in various magazines.

This was long before YouTube.


Clues from the short entry about “Ānankū”

Posted on June 17, 2020, by Andreas Quast

Is there an old and a new version of Ānankū? In his book on kata, Nagamine Shōshin included a short paragraph about the original creator and the characteristics of each kata. Below is my English translation of the short Japanese entry (Nagamine 1975: 234).

“Ānankū. This [kata] was created by a past master, but this creator is unknown. The characteristics of this kata are many zenkutsu chūdan-zuki (mid-level thrusts in forward-bent stance). It is a short kata with a straight line as its embusen (route of martial performance).”

While Ānankū of Matsubayashi-ryū is short and has a medium level of technical difficulty, it is a unique kata. It includes some signature techniques reminiscent of Chintō, such as the open-handed cross-block, or the rather specific abdomen toe-kick, which was a specialty of Arakaki Ankichi. In any case, while the open-handed cross-block with tow-kick is a snapshot-similarity with Chintō, it clearly has a different entry and exit than it has in Ānankū, and is, therefore, a mere punctual concordance.

Nagamine Sensei did not say from whom he learned Ānankū, but only that it “was created by a past master” and that this master “is unknown.”

The above is interesting because people from other schools have tried to make sense of Matsubayashi-ryū’s Ānankū, unsuccessfully I might add. They claim that this Ānankū is a creation by Nagamine Sensei himself. I think this claim is embryonic and without merit. This is because Nagamine Sensei in 1975 wrote that Ānankū “was created by a past master” and that this master “is unknown.”

The other Ānankū – according to a narrative by the Seibukan – was created by Kyan. Or, it was taught by Kyan to Shimabukuru Zenryo. Or, in an older narrative by the same school, Kyan learned it from a Chinese person in Taiwan. Or, as it was often the case in the postwar era, the kata was actually created by a student and retrospectively ascribed to a famous person and a corresponding narrative provided to it. BTW, when did this Ānankū first appear in (any kind of) record? It seems 1969 in an Okinawa Times article.

This Ānankū is not a unique kata. Rather, it is a simple mixture of combos taken from other kata and put together on some enbusen. Below I have added the morphological analysis of Ānankū and the kata the individual combos were taken from.


Opening gesture (standard gesture for kata in Seibukan)

1. left Shutō-uke / Neko-ashi-dachi 45° to left front (typical karate, for example, in Pinan Shodan, Kūsankū)

2. right Shutō-uke / Neko-ashi-dachi 45° to right front (typical karate, for example, in Pinan Shodan, Kūsankū)

3. left Uchi-uke / Renzoku Gyaku-/Choku-tsuki in Zenkutsu -dachi 90° to the left (as in Seisan)

4. right Uchi-uke / Renzoku Gyaku-/Choku-tsuki in Zenkutsu -dachi 90° to the right (as in Seisan)

5. Same as opening gesture (standard gesture for kata in Seibukan)

6. right Uchi-uke left Jōdan-uke (as in Passai)

7. Both-handed mid-level scissor strike (as in Passai)

8. Right choku-zuki (as in Passai)

9. Left Uchi-uke / Renzoku Gyaku-/Choku-tsuki / right Mae-geri / Gyaku-zuki (as in Gojūshiho)

10. Right Uchi-uke / Renzoku Gyaku-/Choku-tsuki / left Mae-geri / Gyaku-zuki (as in Gojūshiho)

11. Right Mawashi Enpi-uchi (Kūsankū)

180° turn

12. left Gedan-barai

13. Right Choku-zuki

14. Right Uchi-uke, step left foot forward in Bensoku-dachi / right Mae-geri and place right foot to front / right Gedan-barai / left Gyaku-zuki / right Uchi-uke  (as in Seisan)

180° turn

15. Right Shutō-uke (typical karate, for example, in Kūsankū, Rōhai)

16. (right foot back) left Shutō-uke (typical karate, for example, in Kūsankū, Rōhai)

End gesture (standard)

BTW, there is Sunabe Shozen, who in a karate magazine interview said he was a student of Kyan Chōtoku and that Kyan actually taught an Ānankū Shō and an Ānankū Dai. While I believe that he is the only person who ever said so, this would explain the existence of different Ānankū today. On the other hand, you cannot trust karate magazines, because they are just advertising brochures of the affiliated karate organizations and their narratives.

In any case, Ānankū of Matsubayashi-ryū is truly unique in technical content and embusen and it is the oldest extant version of Ānankū that otherwise has not been handed down within the Okinawa Karate circles. Seen from this perspective, Ānankū of Matsubayashi-ryū is unique in history.

© 2020, Andreas Quast. All rights reserved.

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