Saturday, February 10, 2024

Bushi No Te Issshinryu Blue Belt Wazza


As I began teaching Isshinryu I also observed what the other schools I visited were doing. That was good for it got me to thinking.

I felt a gap in my student's knowledge that might be filled with additional supplemental (and mandatory) training drills. I decided on a small group of additional drills. I was most interested in more skill development.

While this set begin at our Blue Belt, that is just the starting place. Because they are a portion of my Black Belt Initiation test, where they must demonstrate skilled performance.

With my Blue Belt Wazza I wanted to help them develop more skills in kicking. I believe in our Chart 2 as extremely serious kicking skills for Isshinryu. But I did want them to go much further. When I originally trained we always worked many kicks not on the chart.

Taken in 1987 when they were brown belts.

The attacker is Mike Cassidy.

The defender is Young Lee.

1. Interior Kick to the Groin


2. Squat Kick to the side of the abdomen


3, Roundhouse kick to the upper chest


4. Roundhouse kick to the head

5. Exterior parry to their strike with the left hand, then deliver a right-side kick to the outside of their right knee.

6. Exterior parry to their strike with the left hand, Slice forward and Ridge hand strike to the solar plexus, slide forward and then grab both their shoulders. Twist them counterclockwise and deliver a left stomp kick to the rear of their left knee.


The stomp kick seen from a different angle.


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