Sunday, February 4, 2024

Suggested Drills from Seisan Kata


I was curious what kinds of drills any of you may have made up for your students to help them develop techniques drawn from specific kata and/or the basics.  I am aiming towards beginning students and am trying to keep things simple - i.e. what they are already learning - without adding anything new or fancy.


For example, last night we worked this drill which is the opening series of Seisan for one person and a few basics for the other.


A: Initial attacker

B: Defender - simply doing Seisan


    A: From ready stance, step in left, punch left to solar plexus. (Upper #1)

    B: From ready stance, step in left (into seisan stance), left side block.


    B: Counter with right reverse punch.

    A: Without moving feet, down block left. (Upper #5)


    B: (Chasing) Step forward right, reverse punch left.

    A: Step back with the left (into seisan), right side block. (Upper #6)


    B: (Chasing) Step forward left, reverse punch right.

    A: Step back with the right, left side block, right reverse punch. (Upper #6)


Now, both sides can either step back into heiko dachi and start over going the other direction (switch roles) or continue the same way by having "B" then punch left without stepping at all (back to step 1) and repeat the whole sequence.


So, any other fun but simple drills out there?


A new topic for a new day!


Be Well,

Reese Laundry


Hi Reese,

Try this one, which is very up close and personal :-)

Face each other at a distance where if you extend your arm, you'd just touch your partner's nose. Now move in a bit more... if you're not comfortable starting at this range, then get used to it... it's where you need to be :-)

Partner One: Fire off a right-hand straight punch to the other guy's face, stepping in slightly to add your body weight behind the punch.

Partner Two: Step slightly back and to the outside of your partner's punch (but not fully out of range). Use the palm of the left hand to check/deflect the opponent's punch off its intended course. Keep contact, but no grabbing! Simultaneously, bring your right forearm from underneath to perform a "side block" to the offending hand, again keeping contact but no grabbing! From there, use the left palm to press down on the opponent's forearm and then step in slightly with a right-hand straight punch to the face.

Partner One: Do the same check/parry/trap - counter sequence as above.

This is the first movement from Seisan: Middle Block and counter punch.

This drill flows back and forth nicely and it's easy to change sides as well. With a little imagination, it can also be used with hook punches, elbows (as in Kushanku), downward strikes, and Naihanchi-esque back-fists as well.

Hope you enjoy it!!!

Joe Swift

Mushinkan Dojo

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