Sunday, February 11, 2024

The Gojushiho Kata taught to me by Tristan Sutrisno


This Sutrisno Shotokan form was taught to me and later to my senior students by Tristan Sutrisno.

Sutrisno Shotokan came from his father Sutrisno Achmed under Funakoshi Ginchin,  at the Japanese Naval War College in the mid 1939s. He was an Indonesian Doctor at that time, and Japan owned Indonesia at that time. He was drafted into the Japanese Navy as a doctor, and as doctors were officers, he had to go to the War College. While there he also studied Shotokan at the War College. Funakoshi was the head instructor. 

But the Shotokan he studied was somewhat different from the Shotokan became in the future.  Currently Shotokan has two Gojushiho kata, Dai and Sho. Sutrisno Shotokan also teaches the two of them Gojushiho Dai and Gojushiho Sho. Yet they also teach the Gojushiho kata as I was taught it.

One unique feature is one long section in the middle of the kata is only done with one continuous exhale of your breath. This allows this section to be done faster than allowing other inhalations during that section.

At one time Shimabuku Tatsuo taught the Gojushiho kata which he learned under Kyan Sensei. But at some point, he discontinued to teach the form to his American students. I have seen it theorized that this was because there was not enough time on their tours on Okinawa to permit this study.

I learned this kata at the Hazleton Dojo of Tristan back in 1980.  Later in Derry, he taught it to my senior students in 1989. The form is a study and practice of my senior students.

Gojushiho Kata - Young Lee 


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