Monday, March 11, 2024

Polymath of Martial Arts

A polymath (in martial usage) is an individual whose knowledge spans over a substantial number of subjects, known to draw on complex bodies of knowledge to solve specific problems. 

This would be known as a Polymath of Martial Arts.

I have been extremely fortunate that among my instructors and friends, many have been skilled in multiple arts. I am not suggesting that makes them better, just that they have added many different dimensions to my studies. Of course, those in one art have also spent decades developing their unique abilities in most interesting ways too. All of them made incredible efforts to live their art(s).

They would be:


Jim Keenan among his studies would be Isshinryu karate,  Shito-ryu/Kamishin-ryu/Tetsuken-ryu , Tai Chi Chaun, Baguazang,  Krav Mafa (studied under the founder Imi Lichtenfeld.). He developed his own approach to teaching what he referred to as Dotokushin-kai. He worked around the world by the US  Department of Defense as a Chinese and Japanese translator.


Ernest Rothrock among his studies would be the karate taught by ... Pai Lum, Faan Tzi Ying Jow Pai, A variety of Chinese systems including Northern Sil Lum, Northern Praying Mantis among other Chinese systems. Those studies meant he accumulated over 500 forms, and actually worked on all of them. All those systems also gave him knowledge of over 50 Chinese weapons traditions, which also meant another tremendous number of weapons forms.


Tristan Sutrisno among his studies on Indonesia in studies with his father Achmed Sutrisno the 1930s Shotokan of Funakoshi Ginchin, the 1930s Aikido of Morihei Ueshiba, his family art of Tjimande.  Meaning he likely had over 75 kata along with is a wide study of traditional kobudo and their kata.




I have also trained with many instructors who stayed within their own systems and from their tremendous efforts gained incredible skills.  My original instructors Tom Lewis and Charles Murray. Also within Isshinryu is Sherman Harrill sharing with me greatly influencing how I see all systems.

For example, the absolute best individual I have ever seen work a Bo was Tom Lewis.  Sherman Harrill was incredible the way he worked to understand the martial potential of Isshinryu.


I would also have to include my own studies in  Isshinryu, as well as familiarization of a variety of Chinese arts from Ernest Rothrock, the arts of Tristan Sutrisno, as well as various training in Kempo Goju with David Brojack, studies in Goju Ryu with Ed Savage, studies in many other systems such as Washin Ryu, Ueichi Ryu, Bando, among other systems.

I do believe we should realize the Martial Arts Polymath should be something we need to recognize. Consider the authors such as  Donn Draeger and Robert W. Smith do fit this description, as do many, many others too.

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