Sunday, March 17, 2024

Shimabnku KUMITE - Sherman Harrill - Part 1

This section is dealing with hand grabs. 

        a.   Left hand hold right wrist (Straight hand grab)

              From Seisan, pull the hand back to the release position and strike to the solar plexus.

In Chart One, as taught by Tom Lewis, Number 5 was the Right Foot steps back when you are grabbed as you deliver a left side block, followed by a right punch. 

[Which is a reversal of the opening of Seisan kata.]

Against a left grab of your right wrist, Shimabuku Tatsuo technique simply stepped back with the right foot and chambered the right hand, which pulls it right out of (or away from) that grab and followed with a right front punch into the opponent's chest.

The stronger your kata practice, the more precise your chambering movements in the kata, the stronger your release from their grab.

Two hands hold one wrist.


Step in and grab your hand from the top, drive the elbow up to the chin for a strike followed, with a backfist. This can also be done by going underneath grabbing your fist stepping forward into Seiunchin doing a elbow strike reinforced with the other hand.

For the first counter, after they’ve grabbed your wrist with both their hands, you reach across the top of their hand and grab your own wrist. As you step forward (with the foot of the hand grabbed) as you drive your elbow up, the arm crossing across their arm becomes a lever into their arm, and the combination of your driving force, and the pressure of the crossing arm bearing down, you strip your arm free, opening the backfist into their face.

For the second counter, after they’ve grabbed your wrist with both their hands, you reach underneath their arms and grab your fist. Then the foot of the hand grabbed, steps in and the forward (with a crescent step) into Seiunchin and you do a cross elbow strike into their arm.

Alternative choice, for the third counter, after they’ve grabbed your wrist with both their hands, you reach underneath their arms and grab your fist. Then the foot of the hand grabbed, steps in and the forward (with a crescent step) and out in Seisan, as you use the re-inforced block section of Seiunchin to pressure both their arms from the inside out. This will break the grab and put them in a twisted controlled position, ready for a counter-attack.

Left hand hold right hand, from side position  (hand grab from side).

From Chinto, hand grab is from over the top, trap his hand and go into a hand bar.

When your right hand is grabbed from the side with their left hand, as in a mirror image of Chinto’s opening, your left foot will step back as you shift into right cat stance to the side. Your right hand will circle clockwise away your hand staying on your centerline, and then continue the circle shifting back towards the opponent. As you do this your left hand grabs their wrist. 

The wrist grab and turn towards them, presses their hand down between your wrist grab and your right-hand pressure. You slide your right palm down their palm and lock it in, then press their hand back (into a hand lock) which I believe is the hand bar in question.

Alternatively, you can do this by bringing your left hand up underneath their arm, and just use it to pressure their wrist/hand. Of course this is more pressure sensitive skilled, and prone to escape if not perfect.

Right hand holds right wrist   (Cross Hand Grab)

Thumb on the top, bring the hand to the outside and over the top striking to the throat with a shuto strike. The left hand will go underneath the right arm in a open palm to protect the ribs.

This is against a cross hand grab, grabbing the side of your wrist.  Using a motion such as in Kusanku kata’s ‘feeling in the dark section’ or the double knife hand kame of Wansu, your right hand (thumb on top) rolls over the top of their hand (at the thumb) releasing their grip, and then you strike into their throat with a shuto strike. As this occurs your left hand goes underneath the right arm with an open palm to protect the ribs.

If they’ve used the grab to grab your sleeve, you use your left hand to grab their wrist, weakening the thumb and then you proceed as above.

This can also be done with a larger motion, by bringing the right hand back to your left ear, as your left hand presses across their right arm.  Then follow with your right shuto strike.

Right hand holds right wrist from top (Top of the hand cross grab)

Grab comes from over the top, from Seiunchin reinforced block traps the hand and goes into backfist strike to the nose.  

One choice would be to begin using the motion of Seiunchin kata’s reinforced block. They’ve grabbed your hand from on top, your left hand grabs their wrist and presses down. That grab weakens their grip, and your right hand rolls down and clockwise out, to backfist into their nose.

Alternately, when grabbed your hand circles clockwise, your left-hand presses into their hand as you do the reinforced block to the right. This rolls their arm over and you continue with the kana and step through, your right hand grabbing their arm as your left-hand strikes into their nose.


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