Friday, March 22, 2024

Shimabnku KUMITE - Sherman Harrill - Part 2


Description of Sherman demonstrations by Victor Smith. All errors are my own.

2.     Defenses against strikes

 a.    Outside block, punch inside.

                 Attacker right foot forward, right hand punch.

                 Defender steps back, right foot back side block, reverse punch to the solar plexus.

This is a case as you step back with your right foot, you left arm uses a dragging Side block (interior line of defense) , where you block out, and pull the blocking hand back to the waist to draw the opponent forward with the ‘blocking’ effect, creating the opening for the standing fist knuckle reverse punch to the solar plexus.

Inside block, punch side.

Attacker right foot forward, right hand punch.

Defender steps back right foot, inside block, reverse punch to the ribs.

In this case as you step back with your right, you strike inside with your blocking arm (external line of defense), deflecting their strike away creating an opening for a standing reverse punch to their ribs.

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