Friday, March 22, 2024

The Tomari Chinto

The Tomari Chinto is one of the 3 Okinawan versions of Chinto. It is performed on a EAST- West Embusen.

The 3 different Chinto versions where the Itosu version uses a straight ahead then straight to the rear embusen, then a embusen done or the Kyan version using a 45-degree embusen, and the Tomari version done side to side.

The techniques are done mostly the same, however the embusen varies between the different versions.

(Tomari) Chinto Kata. 

Karate Matsubayashi-ryu. Shinzato sensei.

( 泊 ) チントウ型. 松林流空手)


Chintō by Onaga Michiko Kanchō.

Okinawa Karate Matsubayashi Ryu (Shorin Ryu) Kata 

"Tomari Chintoh" 沖縄空手松林流 型「泊チントウ」


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